Saturday, December 12, 2015

Our Lady of Guadalupe

"Am I not her who am your Mother, is there anything
else that you should need?"

These words spoke to my heart many years ago when I first realized that in order to be a Catholic woman in this culture of feminism and death, I was too different to get along with those around me, most especially members of my family. In order to follow the path traced out for me by God, I had to join those who call Mary the Holy Mother of God their mother. I read the above words that were spoken to Juan Diego and took them to heart for myself. I am sure that was over 20 years ago. I have never felt the loneliness for a mother again. I also vividly remember hearing the words from the Hail Holy Queen, "Mother of Mercy."  Yes she is the loving, "Mother of Mercy," our life our sweetness and our hope."

When I muse on the Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe I think about Juan Diego the poor peasant chosen to carry such a Holy and world changing message. When you feel like you can't carry the message of Jesus to the people around you think of this little man who wanted to run in the other direction, even tried. His story is very heart warming and full of love.

It never ceases to amaze me what God puts up with from His children. Years later when I embarked on a deeper purification with a new spiritual director Jesus asked me to become more like His Mother. It takes years and vigilance as I tend not to be so nice. I feel very much the love of My spiritual Mother Mary in spite of my shortcomings. I would however be dead in the water if not for a priest of pure spirit to hear my confessions. Mother doesn't take any nonsense, I have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and now I need absolution and to start all over.

Let us pray to our Mother and ask to be more like her, to be pure in heart.

My love and prayers to all who embark on this journey,
Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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