Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday of Holy Week March 21, 2016.

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now let us settle the matter." "Though your sins be as
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, I
will make them as white as wool."
Jesus is the Bread of Life
Before I came back to my Catholic faith I studied the bible with different Christian women's groups. The strongest draw the women's groups had as far as I was concerned was the joy, the smiles the welcome. We were required to read study and answer questions. The above scripture passage really struck me and does to this day.

While processing around our church with Palms yesterday I was struck once again with the horror of sin, our sin is what caused Jesus to be crucified. It was all of us waving our palms and singing praise to the Messiah then  quickly chose a different path.

It brings me back to the above scripture, we must believe we are sinners and we must believe we are forgiven.

As a woman I think about the sins of my past and those of others, perhaps our most serious problem is to believe that after having an abortion or giving up a child to adoption we just can't be forgiven so why bother to confess. Unfortunately women still to this day bare the burden for the sins of the sexual revolution. Women are expected to be able to do everything a man can do and deal with the outcome of the sexual revolution. Yes women are strong and women can do most anything but they are meant for love. They are meant to bring love into a broken and fallen world. Way to much is being required of women. Hence millions of hidden children, broken hearts, shattered dreams. The umbilical cord is eternal.

In my musing over the past few months as it relates to the Mercy of God I asked Him, "what do You say about women who mourn the loss of children given up for adoption or aborted."  His answer was immediate, direct and the same for both situations. "He who is without sin cast the first stone."

 Really truly we must believe that our sins are forgiven and that God  Himself will make something wonderful out of the most difficult experiences of our lives. It brings me to tears to think of the amount of pain that comes from being a woman but I would never trade the gift of LOVE that comes
with womanhood. The ability to create life with God in my womb, is a precious gift. The Sacrament of Reconciliation can bring us from despair to hope. Don't leave those priests lonely in the confessional, make a visit, encourage a friend you know who is desperate for forgiveness to visit Jesus in the confessional.
I pray for record breaking long lines to the confessionals all over the world. I pray for the indwelling of the light of the Holy Spirit in each one who turns to Jesus in this Sacrament.

~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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