Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

There is no end to what needs to be
said about the sacredness of Motherhood.  If we start with the Holy Mother of God we must first say yes, I do and yes I will, to the pure meaning of the life of a woman. Our Mother Mary fully relied on God's Word to her from the Archangel Gabriel.
In order to bring back the dignity of women we must be as courageous as the Mother of Jesus no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. 

Over the past fifty years we have striven as a culture to take life and death out of the Hands of God Who created us and put it into our own hands. The result is one of endless pain. Especially for women as we have an emotional bond with our child and our God from conception through out eternity. 

The unfortunate state of confusion our culture is in  due to the legalization of acts that are in total contradiction to our created purposes have  resulted in the most often times, silent misery of women. And children. A mother never detaches from her child.  Very often we wish we  could, God didn't make us that way. 

Because Mothers day is so special I don't want to explore the negative aspects of our world's present
condition. I only ask that we pray for each other with the strongest conviction and work to turn the lives of women back to their created purpose. 

As I witnessed the difficulty our present economic situation burdens larger families I asked Jesus what is the answer to feeding and housing these families even in a country as wealthy as ours. 

His is always a simple straight forward answer:
"Please support my sons and daughters who espouse purity." As we well know large families are frowned upon by our society, employers pay according to a two income home.  Men's salaries are lower because the wife should be working and children in day care. Nothing is impossible for God as long as we are open to helping each other and loving our neighbors without judgement or pride. 

I will share in another blog how I was shown ways to have more money and time to give my support to this effort of Espousing Purity. 
The time for change is now! The Holy Spirit, Who is the Breath of God is with us.  "No greater love than to lay down ones life for a friend." 
Let us encourage and support young women to espouse purity for the sake of the entire world. 

God's finest blessings this day,
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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