Sunday, June 19, 2016

Upcoming Novena to St. Padré Pio June 24th

While in Ireland, I found a novena to St. Padre Pio. I would like to start it on June 24th and thus end it on the 2nd of July. I post this now to make everyone aware so we can all join in together. Please feel free to add your own intentions as well.

1.We pray that women become aware of their need to elevate the level of dignity of womanhood; starting with their own.

2. We pray that women would come together in prayer for each other and the rest of the world.

3.We pray for a return to modest dress for all women.

4. We pray that women would spread the good news of purity to their children, families and friends.

5.We pray that women would educate each other in the virtue of self control thereby making it possible to experience the freedom of Natural Family Planning.

6. We pray as the woman's roll is to teach the family about the deep love of God for all, that we as women, would experience this love through the sacramental life and the gift of contemplative prayer.

7. We pray that in all situations we will have the faith to persevere. Never, Never, give up.

8. We pray that as Mary and Elizabeth were brought together by God to support and share their story, we too would come together, with and for, other women to encourage and inform by the truth of our own lives.

9. We pray for ourselves and women around the globe to experience and encourage others in the gift of Purity. 

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