Friday, October 28, 2016

Feast of St. Jude, Saint of Impossible Causes - Oct. 28

We turn to St. Jude in times of need and for serious or seemingly hopeless causes — including depression, grieving, unemployment, and illness — and ask for his divine intercession.
In accordance with his surname, Thaddeus (which means generous, courageous, kind),
Our Lord said, “He will show himself most willing to give help.”

I awoke this morning realizing how much my own prayers and blog have helped
me through the worst months and even years of my life.  Life was good and
parenting was so much fun before the fall of 2008.  Not at all perfect but
so much less evil. Yes evil has been unleashed on our world to try to wake
us up. To make us want to strive once again for truth, light and love. If
you watch television it does not look good. If I were to describe the state
of my family you would say, It doesn't look good at all. " Hope in God I
will praise Him still, my Savior and my God. "

Since my earliest memories of picking up the news paper I remember looking
at the novena to St Jude, wondering how people
could put faith in a news paper ad.  I understand that desperate times call
for desperate measures.  It is really all about love. Love is like that
glue we used to have in the sixties. I think it was called rubber cement.
If it got on your fingers you stuck to everything you came in contact
with.  Because God is love and God is in us we will strive to love others
under the gravest of circumstances. We live in a world that is trying with
all it's might and strength to love with out the God who created us. I pray
for the day when we realize that is impossible.

Getting back to how the blog and the prayers help me. The morning prayers
give me hope that I might improve on the way I love. As I read the prayer I
see yesterday's faults and failings and find hope for a better me today. I
pray for Priest who we can't possibly live without. I pray for everyone
who is trying to live without the church and the priesthood.  I call on
the Trinity to purify and strengthen me.

I love the Liturgy of the Hours.  I am reminded that the present struggles
are the same today as they were one hundred or one thousand years ago.  The
wisdom of the Saints turns a light on in my soul, I am ready to begin again
the blazing battle we call life.

During the day when I feel depleted or anxious I go to my prayer room and
listen to the rosary or the Mass. I sleep for a few minutes and start all
over again.

Sharing my musings of this day and praying for the impossible, "Love one
another as I have loved you. "  from Jesus a Man of few words but very hard
to follow.

~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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