Thursday, October 20, 2016

This and That

First off I have not been writing because we are still in the life saving mode for my youngest son who is dependent on Marijuana and alcohol to get him through the pressure cooker our society calls, "Normal Life." The college he was attending believes and said so right to our faces that the
students are better off on Marijuana as it keeps them mellow and out of the emergency ward.

This atmosphere did not work so we are rebuilding his life from the ground up once again. Praise God for the experience of World Youth Day . I believe the miracle of WYD is still unfolding but one very important piece of it is that he knew enough to call us and say that he needed to come home. It is an impossible struggle for him to not be able to live the way his peers do and feel free to harm an already fragile existence. We continue to move forward by the grace and love of the prayers of many wonderful friends who themselves have there own struggles and deep pain. I am so humbled by the love of the women of God.

For all those grappling with the question of legalizing medical marijuana or otherwise social marijuana I suggest you check the cost of rehabilitation services for you or your loved ones. For us and thousands of others it is more like medical help for marijuana over use which most do not believe is a problem that actually exist.

I have been reading a book by Mirjana Soldo, "My Heart will Triumph."

Mirjana is a visionary from Medjugorje. She tells the story of the Aspirations from the point of view of her life and the messages of the Mother of Peace.  I love the book and would suggest it for anyone. She takes you to the Heart of Our Mother and gives details from her personal experience. My husband and i went to Medjugorje in 1989. I feel the Mother of Medjugorje has been very close to me and our family ever since.

As I was reading I noticed a message that speaks directly to the cause of Purity.  It was given on July 2nd 2011.

"An impure heart cannot do correct and just things: it is not an example of the beauty of God's love to those who surround it and to those who have hot come to know that love."

This message given by Our Lady on July 2nd is especially resounding to me and to those of us who espouse the message of Purity. More than 20 years ago I was given the date July 2nd three times along with a vision of Jesus on the cross surrounded in a haze of green. Since that experience I have always paid close attention to that date as well as the number 72. I have written about this previously. I am now very pleased to know that the date I was given corresponds with the message of Purity from Our Lady of Medjugorje.

Back to the reality of our present life in this country and in the world. I was not looking forward to the debate last night, I tend to fall asleep before 9pm and have found little to arouse my interest enough to stay awake. Last night was no different. I did however wake up long enough to hear the candidates answer the abortion question. The thought of the answer given by a highly esteemed woman of our times sends chills through me even now. Sadder to say that a man was so sure that for no reason should a baby be torn from its mothers womb days even hours before birth. How is it possible that women are not the teachers of life and love any longer. It is the darkness of our souls, darkness brought on by 100 years of Planned Parenthood brainwashing. We must get PPH out of our schools and stop paying them to kill our our souls and the souls of our children.
Any man or woman who is of voting age and did not understand the evil of the answer given by Hillary Clinton and be convicted to do everything possible to get her out of the politics of this country best get to their knees and figure it out fast. The answers could not have been any clearer and shame on us ladies if we don't pray fast and speak up now.

God Bless you,
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

1 comment:

Helene said...

Thank you Margaret for your blog entry of Thursday the 20th. You have
great courage and I feel your heart's sentiments all the way through your

We have to pray fervently for women to restore the belief deep within their
heart of the life-giving gift that God created them to be, as well as the
fact they were chosen to be the "heart" of the home. That is my prayer.
My heart aches that this truth has been watered down so much in the eyes of
the world that we, as women are confused about who we are and in this day
fail to recognize our unique God-given design, and dignity. PP hurts women
and is not health care. Our women, young and old are starving for this
truth, but in the meantime, paralyzed by the error they are steeped in. I
believe in the power of prayer and in the hope of our Heavenly Mother's

As far as "legal" marijuana, there goes another error, all the while
hurting God's precious children.
Woe to those promoting this evil. Holy Family, pray for us.

I'm praying for you, and your precious son and family. I feel blessed
that God put you in my life's path. I love you my Sister in Christ.

Peace be with you,