Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hate and Healing Psalm 97:10 "A lover of God hates evil."

I don't know exactly how this happens but I do know that our emotional wounds run deep. As I have gone from new born to 65 years old, I have always believed that hatred is very wrong. I have refused to recognize hatred in my life and in  my own heart. I know that all negative emotions are harmful to us. Unfortunately as we travel this road of life if  we choose God and travel towards Him we become holy. Holiness abhors evil. How does evil manifest in our lives?  More often than not it is manifest through the people closest to us. Through people we normally depend on for support and love . This is  a situation that blinds us and blocks purification, healing and peace. 

God our loving Father is on a world wide mission to bring love and healing to His creation.  Healing happens when we recognize our own faults and failings . We bring those situations we are aware of to Jesus in the Sacrament of reconciliation.  So we are faithful to the Sacramental life yet we are still sad, depressed, angry.  I have never confessed hatred for any one or anything.  Recently I knew I needed confession, I raised my heart to Jesus in front of the Tabernacle and much to my surprise his response was, "Tell the priest you hate _______!" ~Wow what a surprise!  I am obedient to God's voice in my life. I was worried, not sure what the priest would say. As God expected his holy priest handled the situation very well.  A well of tears I had been holding back for years was released and I received a much needed healing. This for me has been  a much needed life changing experience. 

I share this because I am not alone on this journey of love.  I also believe that many of us are afraid to call evil and hatred for what it is.  Don't be afraid to ask Jesus if there is something of hatred and evil keeping you from his peace and love.
God is with us,
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus  

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