Wednesday, March 8, 2017

California Abortion Mills

The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is now on pilgrimage to all of the abortion centers in California.
Two Guardian Teams are coordinating the pilgrimage, supported by Bishop Richard Garcia, Bishop of the diocese of Monterey. He sent a letter to each of California’s Diocesan Directors of Respect Life. You may read his full letter here.

A member of the Guardian Team sent us the photo below. They went to the Planned Parenthood abortion center in Santa Cruz to preview the site for this Saturday. When they arrived there, they found an Emergency Response Team with an ambulance and fire truck. So much for safe and legal abortions.

Bishop Garcia called the pilgrimage, Our Lady’s Mission for Life. He called it a unique vision to bring to fruition, through prayer, the closure of California abortion centers. He wrote that the mission is “ A statewide schedule of Visitations by the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the upcoming months of March and April. It is my prayer that you will welcome and support this effort to bring Our Lady to every abortion clinic in California.”

Over 25 abortion centers have closed after Visitations of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Pope John Paul II pointed us to the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the transformation of our Culture of Death to a Culture of Life. He named Our Lady of Guadalupe as the Queen and Mother of America. He entrusted to her the “future path of the Church on the great continent of America.” In January of 1999, at her Basilica in Mexico City, he said, “The Church must proclaim the Gospel of Life and speak out with prophetic force against the Culture of Death. This is our cry: life with dignity for all . . . . The time has come to banish once and for all from the Continent every attack against life.”

You may read here How Our Lady of Guadalupe Will Transform Our Culture.

Bishop Garcia concluded his letter, “I thank you in advance for your time and effort in the promotion of
Our Lady’s Mission for Life and offer my sincere gratitude for all you do to promote and rebuild a Culture of Life.”

Please help us through your prayers and donations to answer Bishop Garcia’s prayer to “welcome and support this effort to bring Our Lady to
every abortion clinic in California.”

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