Monday, March 27, 2017

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

I spent a good portion of the weekend in deep suffering with Jesus as He walked the way of the cross. As I experienced with Him the physical and emotional pain of our salvation I realized how striking it was that Veronica came to Him surrounded by so much evil and simply wiped His Face. I realized that was the most courageous woman outside of His Mother in among the crowd that day. The love that came with a few seconds of relief are what amazed me.  The gift to her of His Face on the cloth. It is such a heart wrenching exchange of love for love. 

I began to think of us in our times and the most important commandment, "Love one and other as I have loved you." That is all that is asked of us as we suffer through the purification of our souls. We are all in this together whether we realize it or not. No judgement just try to comfort and console each other with love. Veronica took action in the worst of conditions. St. Mother Theresa taught us to console the suffering no questions asked. I always think of her picking the maggots off the poor souls in the gutters of Calcutta (please, please don't ask me to do that). And now with thousands of followers consoling the dying all over the world.
 I thought about the way people die in a state of agitation even when given medication like morphine and anti anxiety medication. I wondered if they would be more comforted by our unobstructed love. A simple touch to the cheek and the knowledge that as in the past we would continue to pray and have Masses said for them. 
Most people dying in our times are not sure of anything except that it is almost over.  Jesus said to me once, "No mother will be happy in heaven if her son is in Hell." I never thought of it but it is true. We can never give up, no matter how insulted we are by our own families and friends we can never give up. 
I find if I am insulted or hurt directly by someone close to me I immediately ask the Mother of God for her Mercy and forgiveness for that person. She answers quickly as she gave her fiat to the angel. I am amazed at how consoling and strengthening she is. 
Most Sincerely,
 ~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this it is very helpful for my paper about the stations of the cross