Friday, January 19, 2018

Important Chaplets to Incorporate into Daily Prayer

Margaret has asked me to introduce myself by posting a few videos I made of chaplets that I feel are extremely important to pray in today's world. My name is Mary and I help Margaret with the mechanics of this blog.

 I haven't made any videos in nearly 10 years, and have been home bound for double that. In an attempt to stay productive, I also make Rosaries, Chaplets and jewelry. I refer to BattleBeads as my hobby that sometimes sells. My main focus now, while living "Mary's Myriad of Medical Maladies", is prayer.
The world has gone beyond madness ... beyond what I could have ever imagined even just 20 years ago. We are certainly living during the time when good is called evil, and evil is called good. In the sixties and seventies and eighties I couldn't even imagine what this would be like. I would think to myself if you know something is good how can you call it evil and if you know something's bad how can you ever call it good? And here we are living it; God help us!

At any rate, this is why I believe that these Chaplets are just so important today. The USA Chaplet came to me piece by piece in 2009, after a bout with cancer. It received the Nihl Obstat the next year. If you would like to know more about me or connect with me on social media I will leave some links on the bottom. The last thing I would like to say, and impress very strongly, is we must have at least a daily prayer schedule. I like to keep my afternoon prayer time around the 3 hour of Mercy. At that time, I also beg the Lord to empty purgatory into heaven. Jesus told St. Faustina that whatever is asked during the special hour of Divine Mercy at 3 p.m. Will be granted if not against the Divine Will.

 Here's the prayer that I say for this purpose: "Eternal Father please take all the pain and suffering of the holy souls in purgatory & unite it to the perfect and holy passion of Jesus, His true Presence in the Eucharist, and the benefits and Graces of all the Masses said this day, and please empty purgatory into heaven daily during this special hour of Divine Mercy."

Well, here are the videos, if you like them, please leave a LIKE or comment on youtube .... please keep me in your kind prayers as I will all who read this. Blessings!

: Mary - Battlebeads - Public Penance Project - Paters for Peace                    Battlebeads Prayer Warriors - Chaplet of the USA
TWITTER: @ancientsoul
INSTAGRAM: battlebeadsusa
BLOG: Battlebeads Blog

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