Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Tomorrow, the Bishops of the United States will assemble at Mundelein Seminary for a seven-day retreat of prayer and reflection.

In dealing with the sexual abuse crisis in our Church, the bishops were expecting to implement reforms at their annual meeting this past November. At the last minute, Pope Francis forbade any official act of the U.S. Bishops to deal with the sexual abuse scandal (Rocked to the Core – Again!). Instead, Pope Francis called the Bishops to a spiritual retreat.

Was the Pope correct in insisting that communal prayer and reflection should come before action at this grave moment in salvation history? Only time will tell, but a good outcome of this retreat is far from certain.

Since the Church was established by Jesus Christ, there has been a constant and ferocious battle for its soul. Each generation has had to rise to the challenge of protecting and supporting her. Some generations have failed, others have triumphed.

Those generations who have failed did not recognize or call upon the great gifts of aid offered by Heaven: the Sacraments, and the intercession of Our Lady and all the Angels & Saints. The generations that accept these gifts invoked their grace and through perseverance triumph.

What will history say about our response at this moment? Will we fail or be among the triumphant?

So many times, throughout history, calling upon the intercession of Our Lady has been the difference: Lepanto, Fatima, Guadalupe. Now, in our time Our Lady has already shown us the way through this challenge to the Church. Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin calls us all (especially Bishops and priests) to seek purity in all things, imitate the Holy Family and frequently receive the Sacraments. Not only does she give us the methods, but she promises the graces to succeed as well. All we must do is earnestly seek her intercession.

As our Bishops’ meet, pray and reflect we must cover them in prayer and invoke the intercession of Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin on their behalf.

Our Lady of America, please open their eyes, hearts and intellect to the graces you promise and the plan you have put forth. Through our prayer we beg your intercession.

Let us not be among the generations who have failed, but rather among those that turn to Our Mother and triumph!

Please do everything you can to pray and to spread this devotion so more will join the chorus.

By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception O Mary, deliver us from evil!

Spread the devotion through our free prayer card program. Order your free prayers cards today. If we do our part, I am confident the bishops will do theirs!

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