Friday, January 17, 2020

Prayer Request Invoking Audrey Santos

Dear Women espoused to purity ...

I received this email with a prayer request for a young
person with Juvenal rheumatoid arthritis and wanted to pass it on to others in need of a miracle.

I am praying this prayer to Audrey Santos for Anna and Esme both little babes under 3 years old in need of healing from this painful disease.
[note: Both Anna & Esme are mentioned in the Prayer Request section above.]

Little Audrey Santos and her mother suffered for years at home while Audrey was left in a akinetic state after a swimming accident. When a child suffers the mother suffers as well

While Audrey was alive I visited the house many times. My son Dan was allowed into her room and prayed on his knees at her bed side
for a long time. I didn't say anything to him when he waked into the room he fell to his knees and like two young friends they prayed silently.

Thank you for joining me in intercessory prayer through little Audrey Santos .
Blessings and prayers,
Margaret of souls for Jesus OCDS

If you would like to read more about Audrey Santos, please click HERE.

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