To anyone reading this blog I have considered many times over the past several months to put on the blog some of the inspirations the Holy Spirit has given me. Unfortunately I have not done so.
Myself and my family have been living in the south for just over 2 years. We do love life in the south. There is an easiness to living in a place were most people are not afraid to express their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. "Bless your heart honey," OR "Thank you Jesus," are very refreshing applications to daily life in the south.
Not everyone but people of all ages embrace the love of Jesus and try to pass it on.
I was concerned at first that we would be in the minority as it relates to Catholics. There are so many Baptist and Evangelical ministries. The churches actually line the streets. Most of the denominations are small but so many.
There are two Catholic churches fairly close to us and two more less that an hour away. Churches relatively new built with the future in mind. Massively huge with schools and big open areas for church projects and over flow Holy Day Masses.
At first I was a bit discouraged missing the older Gothic style churches and Cathedrals of the North. God is obviously guiding and directing the architectural designers.
On Christmas eve we attended Mass at St. Brendan the Navigator church. Mass at 4 pm. We knew it would be crowded but when we arrived at 3:19 pm we were not prepared for the sea of automobiles already covering the parking lot. Very few spaces left and seating only in the crying room and the open space filled with chairs and two big screen TV's for the overflow which was also filled. People of all ages children, grandchildren grand parents wheelchairs, canes and oxygen tanks. It was a marvelously joy filled occasion.
As I watched the priest, deacon and Eucharistic ministers move into the crowd to distribute The Body of Christ to the needy people I was brought back to the time when Jesus and His disciples were feeding the five thousand. What was it like for Jesus to bring His message to thousands of people with out a microphone, cameras, TV screen for those in the way back? The thought of it all and the experience gave me such hope.
I lost my mother in her 90's almost two years ago. My best memories of her in her later years was attending Mass and going to dinner afterwards. Well even my husband noticed that the lady next to me looked very much like my mother as she leaned on her cane, stretching to see the priest turn bread and water into the Body and Blood of Christ.
This woman got to talking to me about her daughter who takes her to Mass and wants her to live with her. 94 and taking care of herself thank you very much. Only God could plan such a happy reminder of the woman who gave birth to me. On the other side a family who's oldest is attending Catholic Kindergarten. She knows every word and song of the Mass. Again such hope.
And now I consider the God of Hope, how does He do such things, putting me exactly in a seat were hope is on either side of me. God is perfect and the Holy Spirit is on the move. Even the blind can see Him if they want to.
The Mass was so perfectly executed that we were out in front of the church at 5:05 PM. The priest was welcoming and to the point, very well organized.
When people say to me, "the church is finished, " or the world is coming to an end I say, "look more closely, think more deeply, who is God really? " "So much higher are His Ways above our ways and His Thoughts above our thoughts." ~Isaiah 55: 8-9.
May 2020 be a year of perfect vision as we look to the God of the Universe to make crooked roads straight.
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus, OCDS
Dedicated prayerful women spreading the need for purity. Our Mission is to spread the message of Purity, Love, and Mercy.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Our Lady of America, St. Joseph and the Holy Family
Dan Lynch
December 29, 2019
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The Holy Family exemplifies God’s design for marriage and the family. His design for marriage and the family is that a man and a woman, husband and wife, unite forever in a marriage that is open to new life through the procreation and education of their children. This marriage bond is faithful, lifelong, exclusive and unchangeable.
God establishes a true marriage bond and so it cannot be dissolved. Untrue marriages may be declared null. My generation practiced the slogans of, “Don’t listen to anybody over 30” and “If it feels good do it, it’s your choice.” Many people listened to these evil slogans and made evil choices. They allowed lust to rule over chastity and practiced fornication, adultery and contraception, which led to easy no-fault divorce and the abortion and infanticide of innocent children.
St. John Paul II called our culture a Culture of Death because it embraced and legalized the death of marriage, the death of innocent pre-born children, and the death of the sick and the dying by suicide and the withdrawal of medical care, food and water. Why should marriage be a stable and lasting union between a man and a woman? Why did God tell Adam to cling to his wife, to form a stable and lasting union with her? Why? Because this is what is best and just for themselves, their children and our society! Although many divorced people are innocent and tried to save a marriage with an unwilling spouse, many did not.
Children need and deserve a stable and lasting union of their father and mother and the complementary influence of the two different sexes. This is what is natural, self-evident, sensible and best, sociologically and psychologically, for the proper development of children. We should know this from simple human reason and common sense. Marriage and family are in great crisis due to the willful and sinful habits of the vast majority of adults in our culture regarding sexuality, marriage, and family life.
The rebellion of adults against the design of God has caused endless grief and hardship. Many children are conceived of fornication and adultery. Tragically, most of these children are outright murdered by abortion. 85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women. Abortion rates skyrocketed with the availability of contraception, which opened the doors to lust, promiscuity, fornication, and adultery. 40% of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, over 50% of unborn children are aborted and over 50% of marriages end in divorce.
God’s plan is that indissoluble marriage be the foundation of the family, which is the basic unit of society. The family has its origin in that same love with which the Creator embraces the created world. Jesus entered into human history through the family. He fully discloses man to himself beginning with the family in which He chose to be born and to grow up. Jesus appeals to “the beginning,” seeing at the very origins of creation God’s plan, on which the family is based, and, through the family, the entire history of humanity.
St. John Paul II, in a homily given in Australia 29 years ago, said, "As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live. With regard to the family, society urgently needs to recover an awareness of the primacy of moral values, which are the values of the human person as such thus recapturing the ultimate meaning of life and its fundamental values." Our Lady of America and St. Joseph gave the visionary Sister Mildred several messages concerning the family. She said that it was made known to her interiorly that her mission was to converge towards the sanctification of the family.
On November 8, 1954, Our Lady spoke to her in these words: It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where once again God walked among men.
As in our little home no sin was to be found, so it is the wish of the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that sin should, as far as possible, be unheard of in the homes of our children. The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace. On the eve of his own feast, March 19, 1958, St. Joseph made his own appearance to Sister Mildred and proclaimed the unique privilege that was bestowed on him as the Virgin-Father of Jesus.
He said that all fatherhood is blest in his fatherhood. He asked that our family life be modeled on that of the Holy Family, with Jesus at the center of all its activity. He wants us to teach our children well. He said: Dear child, I was king in the little home of Nazareth, for I sheltered within it the Prince of Peace and the Queen of Heaven. To me they looked for protection and sustenance, and I did not fail them. I received from them the deepest love and reverence, for in me they saw Him whose place I took over them. So the head of the family must be loved, obeyed, and respected, and in return be a true father and protector to those under his care. In honoring in a special way my fatherhood, you also honor Jesus and Mary.
The Divine Trinity has placed into our keeping the peace of the world. The imitation of the Holy Family, my child, of the virtues we practiced in our little home at Nazareth is the way for all souls to that peace which comes from God alone and which none other can give. On March 30, St. Joseph again appeared and declared himself the protector of the Church and the home. He stated that Jesus and Mary desired that his pure heart, so long hidden and unknown, be now honored in a special way.
He asked that we honor him on the First Wednesday of every month and pray the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary in memory of his life with Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph confirmed his enormous role in God’s plan of salvation, shared with his holy Spouse, the Mother of Jesus. (Diary 26-31). One way of honoring St. Joseph’s request to model our family life on that of the Holy Family is to pray as a family. Our Lady told Sister Mildred that “making the Rosary a family prayer is very pleasing to me. I ask that all families strive to do so.” (Diary 21). She also promised her protection to the family that honors her. Sister said that “. . . Our Lady also requested a picture or statue of herself as she appeared [as Our Lady of America] . . . to be honored and venerated in every Christian home.” (Diary 26).
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The Holy Family exemplifies God’s design for marriage and the family. His design for marriage and the family is that a man and a woman, husband and wife, unite forever in a marriage that is open to new life through the procreation and education of their children. This marriage bond is faithful, lifelong, exclusive and unchangeable.
God establishes a true marriage bond and so it cannot be dissolved. Untrue marriages may be declared null. My generation practiced the slogans of, “Don’t listen to anybody over 30” and “If it feels good do it, it’s your choice.” Many people listened to these evil slogans and made evil choices. They allowed lust to rule over chastity and practiced fornication, adultery and contraception, which led to easy no-fault divorce and the abortion and infanticide of innocent children.
St. John Paul II called our culture a Culture of Death because it embraced and legalized the death of marriage, the death of innocent pre-born children, and the death of the sick and the dying by suicide and the withdrawal of medical care, food and water. Why should marriage be a stable and lasting union between a man and a woman? Why did God tell Adam to cling to his wife, to form a stable and lasting union with her? Why? Because this is what is best and just for themselves, their children and our society! Although many divorced people are innocent and tried to save a marriage with an unwilling spouse, many did not.
Children need and deserve a stable and lasting union of their father and mother and the complementary influence of the two different sexes. This is what is natural, self-evident, sensible and best, sociologically and psychologically, for the proper development of children. We should know this from simple human reason and common sense. Marriage and family are in great crisis due to the willful and sinful habits of the vast majority of adults in our culture regarding sexuality, marriage, and family life.
The rebellion of adults against the design of God has caused endless grief and hardship. Many children are conceived of fornication and adultery. Tragically, most of these children are outright murdered by abortion. 85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women. Abortion rates skyrocketed with the availability of contraception, which opened the doors to lust, promiscuity, fornication, and adultery. 40% of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, over 50% of unborn children are aborted and over 50% of marriages end in divorce.
God’s plan is that indissoluble marriage be the foundation of the family, which is the basic unit of society. The family has its origin in that same love with which the Creator embraces the created world. Jesus entered into human history through the family. He fully discloses man to himself beginning with the family in which He chose to be born and to grow up. Jesus appeals to “the beginning,” seeing at the very origins of creation God’s plan, on which the family is based, and, through the family, the entire history of humanity.
St. John Paul II, in a homily given in Australia 29 years ago, said, "As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live. With regard to the family, society urgently needs to recover an awareness of the primacy of moral values, which are the values of the human person as such thus recapturing the ultimate meaning of life and its fundamental values." Our Lady of America and St. Joseph gave the visionary Sister Mildred several messages concerning the family. She said that it was made known to her interiorly that her mission was to converge towards the sanctification of the family.
On November 8, 1954, Our Lady spoke to her in these words: It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where once again God walked among men.
As in our little home no sin was to be found, so it is the wish of the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that sin should, as far as possible, be unheard of in the homes of our children. The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace. On the eve of his own feast, March 19, 1958, St. Joseph made his own appearance to Sister Mildred and proclaimed the unique privilege that was bestowed on him as the Virgin-Father of Jesus.
He said that all fatherhood is blest in his fatherhood. He asked that our family life be modeled on that of the Holy Family, with Jesus at the center of all its activity. He wants us to teach our children well. He said: Dear child, I was king in the little home of Nazareth, for I sheltered within it the Prince of Peace and the Queen of Heaven. To me they looked for protection and sustenance, and I did not fail them. I received from them the deepest love and reverence, for in me they saw Him whose place I took over them. So the head of the family must be loved, obeyed, and respected, and in return be a true father and protector to those under his care. In honoring in a special way my fatherhood, you also honor Jesus and Mary.
The Divine Trinity has placed into our keeping the peace of the world. The imitation of the Holy Family, my child, of the virtues we practiced in our little home at Nazareth is the way for all souls to that peace which comes from God alone and which none other can give. On March 30, St. Joseph again appeared and declared himself the protector of the Church and the home. He stated that Jesus and Mary desired that his pure heart, so long hidden and unknown, be now honored in a special way.
He asked that we honor him on the First Wednesday of every month and pray the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary in memory of his life with Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph confirmed his enormous role in God’s plan of salvation, shared with his holy Spouse, the Mother of Jesus. (Diary 26-31). One way of honoring St. Joseph’s request to model our family life on that of the Holy Family is to pray as a family. Our Lady told Sister Mildred that “making the Rosary a family prayer is very pleasing to me. I ask that all families strive to do so.” (Diary 21). She also promised her protection to the family that honors her. Sister said that “. . . Our Lady also requested a picture or statue of herself as she appeared [as Our Lady of America] . . . to be honored and venerated in every Christian home.” (Diary 26).
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Mystery of the Church in Advent
Advent is a season for us to rediscover the mystery of the Church. She is the Bride who awaits the Bridegroom with eager anticipation. The shining glow of a secret joy glistens in her eyes. To glimpse her fierce majesty is to be drawn into her invincible dynamism. For she awakens a longing that nothing can overcome and in the deepest center of the heart, brings to birth a new certitude.
The Bride knows, in a way that no one else can know, the truth and goodness that the Bridegroom imparts, and each new gift that he gives makes her yearn for Him all the more. Conversely, without the Church, we are deprived of the passion that the Christian faith demands. We can only strain for what lies ahead as we learn to see the goodness of the life that He has given us now. The life of the Church spans the “here and now” with an eternity of new beginnings so that as she journeys, He makes all things new.
His Bride knows more than any other with what unsearchable riches He floods the heart. If she teaches us to fast and to renounce otherwise good things, it is only so that we will be hungry and open for better things. Of all things, knowledge of Christ is best of all. It is a knowledge that suffers His obedience in the whole of one’s entire being, even into its deepest abyss. If this excelling knowledge becomes too much to hold in and one suddenly needs to surrender and let it flow out, it is because those who draw close to her mystery are overtaken by the same joy and heartache to which the Bride of Christ too has surrendered. When we allow it, what flows out can change the world.
Conversely, disobedience to God obscures our vision of the beauty of the Bride even to the point that all sight of her radiance is lost. In the face of the gross mediocrity of her shepherds or else the cold hypocrisy of her members, it is possible for the soul to fall into a kind of spiritual shock that closes the eyes of the heart. Under this blinding spell, one might still practice many different kinds of piety, but does so–at least, to some extent–extra ecclesia, outside the Great Mystery, or at least only on its outskirts. In a certain way, all of us, to the extent we are not obedient to Christ, allow ourselves to be subject to this spiritual blindness. Only through embracing the obedience of the Bride in our own lives do we see the Church the way Risen One sees her.
Not ever to see what the Lord sees can only be the greatest tragedy in this short life of ours. This vision of the Bridegroom–that loving gaze that sees possibilities that eyes still subject to death cannot see–sees the truth of His Mystical Body. What He sees delights Him to the point that nothing could ever overshadow the joy that He has in the Bride given to Him by the Father. If only we will allow Christ to show us the truth about his Bride, if only we will enter into the mystery of obedience that he lays open for humanity, that very joy that He shares with her becomes ours too.
At a time when hope is tested and the bonds of friendship are often forsaken, we need this joy–that joy that Christ and His Bride share together. This is the joy of faithful love–and all faithful love that is good and true is as an icon of this great love the Christ brings into the world. Loneliness and alienation are not the last word of our lives– an uncommon love awaits us if we give Him space in our lives to reveal it.
If someone has left the Church, ask Christ to show you His Bride anew. He does not wish to hide what He came to raise up with Him for eternity. Instead, He yearns that we might share in this sacred mystery – the flashpoint of holy humanity joined in communion with Him. Advent declares that fullness of life awaits those who will walk with this Virgin, Bride and Mother, and learn to see with her eyes the Risen One who comes for her.
Glorious Mirror of that Dawning Splendor
Living Witness of yet to be seen Brightness
Shadowed power magnified terrible and tender
In that heart pounding gaze
Of Him who comes.
Across every distance and through each age
On the Wind of ageless processions
Into the bosom of Threefold Oneness
Those deep currents surging
Towards Him who comes.
She steps through those meaning filled silences
Of hearts given, suffering
Unfamiliar tensions, resolved
Only in what secret harmonies find,
fasting, kindliness and truth’s trials,
For His Bride. He cries:
Come Beloved, bathed in My Blood
Rise up immaculate and free,
Loving you first, I surrendered to your love
Until whosoever joins your journey Advent,
Comes to Me, and, with each new maranatha, I come.
The Bride knows, in a way that no one else can know, the truth and goodness that the Bridegroom imparts, and each new gift that he gives makes her yearn for Him all the more. Conversely, without the Church, we are deprived of the passion that the Christian faith demands. We can only strain for what lies ahead as we learn to see the goodness of the life that He has given us now. The life of the Church spans the “here and now” with an eternity of new beginnings so that as she journeys, He makes all things new.
His Bride knows more than any other with what unsearchable riches He floods the heart. If she teaches us to fast and to renounce otherwise good things, it is only so that we will be hungry and open for better things. Of all things, knowledge of Christ is best of all. It is a knowledge that suffers His obedience in the whole of one’s entire being, even into its deepest abyss. If this excelling knowledge becomes too much to hold in and one suddenly needs to surrender and let it flow out, it is because those who draw close to her mystery are overtaken by the same joy and heartache to which the Bride of Christ too has surrendered. When we allow it, what flows out can change the world.
Conversely, disobedience to God obscures our vision of the beauty of the Bride even to the point that all sight of her radiance is lost. In the face of the gross mediocrity of her shepherds or else the cold hypocrisy of her members, it is possible for the soul to fall into a kind of spiritual shock that closes the eyes of the heart. Under this blinding spell, one might still practice many different kinds of piety, but does so–at least, to some extent–extra ecclesia, outside the Great Mystery, or at least only on its outskirts. In a certain way, all of us, to the extent we are not obedient to Christ, allow ourselves to be subject to this spiritual blindness. Only through embracing the obedience of the Bride in our own lives do we see the Church the way Risen One sees her.
Not ever to see what the Lord sees can only be the greatest tragedy in this short life of ours. This vision of the Bridegroom–that loving gaze that sees possibilities that eyes still subject to death cannot see–sees the truth of His Mystical Body. What He sees delights Him to the point that nothing could ever overshadow the joy that He has in the Bride given to Him by the Father. If only we will allow Christ to show us the truth about his Bride, if only we will enter into the mystery of obedience that he lays open for humanity, that very joy that He shares with her becomes ours too.
At a time when hope is tested and the bonds of friendship are often forsaken, we need this joy–that joy that Christ and His Bride share together. This is the joy of faithful love–and all faithful love that is good and true is as an icon of this great love the Christ brings into the world. Loneliness and alienation are not the last word of our lives– an uncommon love awaits us if we give Him space in our lives to reveal it.
If someone has left the Church, ask Christ to show you His Bride anew. He does not wish to hide what He came to raise up with Him for eternity. Instead, He yearns that we might share in this sacred mystery – the flashpoint of holy humanity joined in communion with Him. Advent declares that fullness of life awaits those who will walk with this Virgin, Bride and Mother, and learn to see with her eyes the Risen One who comes for her.
Glorious Mirror of that Dawning Splendor
Living Witness of yet to be seen Brightness
Shadowed power magnified terrible and tender
In that heart pounding gaze
Of Him who comes.
Across every distance and through each age
On the Wind of ageless processions
Into the bosom of Threefold Oneness
Those deep currents surging
Towards Him who comes.
She steps through those meaning filled silences
Of hearts given, suffering
Unfamiliar tensions, resolved
Only in what secret harmonies find,
fasting, kindliness and truth’s trials,
For His Bride. He cries:
Come Beloved, bathed in My Blood
Rise up immaculate and free,
Loving you first, I surrendered to your love
Until whosoever joins your journey Advent,
Comes to Me, and, with each new maranatha, I come.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12, 2019
“I am the merciful Mother of all mankind. Am I not your hope?”
Our Lady of Guadalupe to St. Juan Diego Dear Friend of Our Lady of Guadalupe, ![]() He went on to say, “Now is the time of the New Evangelization to lead the People of God in America to cross the threshold of the third millennium with renewed hope.” Our culture is in darkness, but we know that God’s grace and light pierce the darkness of sin to bring life and hope through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As we celebrate the end of our 28th year of Visitations of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we continue to see that Our Lady of Guadalupe brings us hope!
Missionary Image Manifests Holy Glitter!
Missionary Image Guardian Maria Egerton called it the best Christmas gift from Our Lady of Guadalupe! In 2016, Maria hosted a Visitation of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Jensen Beach, Florida area. The Missionary Image has traveled on Visitations for the last 28 years to bring conversions and a Culture of Life and Civilization of Love, for which St. John Paul II prayed. Learn more about hosting a Visitation on our website HERE. Maria reported that on the day before the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 11, in a private home, the Image oozed oil and manifested shining glitter on a spot on Our Lady’s forehead. The venerators of the Image marveled at the phenomena and made such comments as, “That is so beautiful! Mother Mary is happy. It’s like a light; it’s flashing; it reminds me of the stars; like a diamond; sparkling. Thank you Blessed Mother. Big glitter shining. She loves us. Blessed Mother is alive and she is here and blessing you and is happy.” St. John Paul II named Our Lady of Guadalupe the Mother of Hope. Hope is the confident expectation of divine blessings. Our Lady of Guadalupe told St. Juan Diego, "Am I not your hope? I am the mother of all those who have confidence in me and I will offer all my love, my compassion and my powerful help and protection for the people." As we approach the Feast of the Holy Innocents, we remember the first martyrs for Jesus Christ. They were the babies under two years of age in Bethlehem whom were killed by the raging hatred of King Herod who wanted to prevent a prophesied Bethlehem baby from becoming a rival King. We also remember the unborn victims of abortion and the many manifestations from the Missionary Image of heartbeats and kickings of an unborn child. Some of these heartbeats have been confirmed by medical personnel listening with stethoscopes. In their reverential devotion, many of the faithful touch and kiss the Missionary Image. In doing so, many have felt warmth, an electric-like current, and Our Lady’s heartbeat. God gives these signs at his pleasure to increase our faith, hope and love of him. The heartbeats are also a sign that life begins at conception and is not a “choice” for the mother because God, the Author of Life, has already chosen the child for life. Many other signs and wonders have occurred during Visitations of the Missionary Image. The Miracle of the Sun occurred many times in the presence of the Missionary Image. Roses fell from the Image and the smell of roses emanated from it. The Image cried tears of oil on several occasions and even appeared in three dimensions. You may read about these signs on our website HERE. These signs are manifested at the pleasure of God who delights to give them to help to strengthen our faith and our confidence in the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. May you confidently await God's divine blessings and have a happy and holy celebration of his birth on Christmas Day.
Am I Not Your Hope?
Our Lady of Guadalupe said to St. Juan Diego, “Am I not your hope?” Mary is the Mother of Hope. She is the Mother of Jesus Christ who is our hope and brings life as the conqueror of despair and death. Through her, we should have the confident expectation of divine blessings such as the closing of abortion centers, conversions, healings and the manifestations of heartbeats in the Image and Holy Glitter on it. That is hope! |
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
December 2nd 2019 Medjugorje message
“Dear children. As I am looking at you who love my Son, my heart is being filled with tenderness. I am blessing you with a motherly blessing. With a motherly blessing, I am also blessing your shepherds – you who speak the words of my Son, who bless with His hands and who love Him so much that you are ready to make every sacrifice for Him with joy. You are following Him, who was the first shepherd, the first missionary. My children, apostles of my love, to live and work for others, for all those whom you love through my Son, is the joy and comfort of earthly life. If through prayer, love and sacrifice the Kingdom of God is in your hearts, then your life is joyful and bright. Among those who love my Son and who love each other through Him, words are not necessary. A gaze is sufficient for the unspoken words and unexpressed feelings to be heard. There where love reigns, time no longer counts. We are with you. My Son knows you and loves you. Love is that which brings you to me and through that love I will come to you and speak to you of the works of salvation. I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus. Therefore, you, my children, wherever you go, illuminate with love and faith as apostles of love. Thank you.”
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