Dedicated prayerful women spreading the need for purity. Our Mission is to spread the message of Purity, Love, and Mercy.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
Our Lady's Messages Message, 25. December 2020
“Dear children! I am carrying to you little Jesus Who brings you peace, Him who is the past, present and future of your existence. Little children, do not permit for your faith and hope in a better future to be extinguished, because you are chosen to be witnesses of hope in every situation. That is why I am here with Jesus that He may bless you with His peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Also today we have an additional message from Our Lady of Medjugorje, given
through Jakov Colo. Every Christmas Day, Our Lady appears to Jakov and she
gives us a message through him as well:
The annual message given on December 25, 2020 through Jakov Colo:
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our
Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every
December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. Through
Jakov, Our Lady gave the following message:
''Dear children! Also today Jesus is here beside you, even when you think
that you are alone, and that light does not exist in your life. He is here
and has never left you or distanced Himself from you. The light of His
birth illuminates this world and your life. His Heart is always open
towards you, to receive your every pain, every trial, fear and need. His
Arms are extended towards you, that as a father, He may embrace you
and tell you how important you are for Him, how much He loves you and cares
for His children.
Children, is your heart open towards Jesus? Have you completely
surrendered your life into His Hands? Have you accepted Jesus as your
father, to Whom you can always turn and in Him find consolation and
everything you need to live true faith?
That is why, my children, surrender your hearts to Jesus and permit Him to
begin to rule your lives, because only in this way, will you accept the
present and be able to face the world in which you live today. With Jesus,
every fear, suffering, and pain disappear, because your heart accepts His
Will and everything that comes into your life. Jesus will give you the
faith to accept everything and nothing will distance you from Him --
because He firmly holds you by the hand and does not permit for you to
distance and lose yourselves in difficult moments -- because He has
become the Lord of your life.
I bless you with my motherly blessing.''
Monday, December 21, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
Spiritual Classic Introduces Readers To The Wisdom Of St. John Of The Cross
Do you recognize yourself among the souls who realize that the pleasures of the world are fleeting, who want to give God a greater place in their lives, who wish to draw near to Him, and yet wonder, simultaneously, if their desires are within reach?
Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.(1893-1953), a Carmelite priest, spiritual director and expert on the teachings of the great Carmelite spiritual masters, assures us in Union with God According to St. John of the Cross that yes, these God-given desires are attainable, and he points to someone who can guide us. In a new edition of his spiritual classic, he illuminates St. John of the Cross as “a master of the contemplative life,” which is simply a life which “directly seeks intimacy with God.”
A Life Meant For All
“The supreme grandeur of the human person,” Fr. Gabriel says, is “to be called to live eternally in intimate companionship with his God; alone with God alone, in an inexpressible contact with Him.” Contemplation, the deeper prayer in which the soul is drawn by God, is a type of anticipation of that eternal intimacy. And this prayer is not only meant for religious: St. John of the Cross taught laity and religious alike about the contemplative life, a life of prayer and mortification because he knew it could prepare them to receive a more intimate experience of God’s love. In giving these teachings to the laity, he never wanted to water them down or diminish them in any way, for it was “not only the crumbs from his sumptuous table that the saint allotted to seculars” but his entire doctrine.
In this book, Fr. Gabriel masterfully compiles this doctrine, laying out the map of the ascent to union drawn by the saint and explaining it beautifully in a succinct summary which does exactly what I suspect it was meant to – it leaves one desiring to turn to the original works and devour them all. Let’s explore the key themes he lays out.
Fr. Gabriel begins with The Spiritual Canticle, the song of a soul searching for and finding union with God, because it is here where we glimpse the “magnificent goal to which the saint intends to lead the soul.” The cross, after all, is not the end. “It is,” he reflects, “only an instrument, a means of salvation and holiness. It is not exact, therefore, to say that St. John of the Cross is the doctor of the cross and renunciation; he is precisely the doctor of the union and love of God.”
Purification and Prayer
Once we have tasted a slice of the sweetness of union, we are better able to endure the difficult detachments and renunciations, described in The Ascent of Mount Carmel, which are the painful but necessary prerequisites for this union of wills – our own utterly dissolved into God’s. Even the smallest and most subtle disordered affection or attachment can keep us from the transforming union in which our will disappears. Fr. Gabriel quotes the famous passage from the Ascent:
Whether the bird be tied with a rope or a thread, it cannot fly; obviously the thread is broken more easily than the rope, but as long as it be not effectively broken, the bird truly cannot fly. (Asent I, XI, 4)
What can we do to bring about such radical detachment – which, we are reminded, does not mean that we do not love creatures, but that we always love them “in conformity with His most holy will, in the measure established by Him”?
Fr. Gabriel summarizes three rules for this ‘night of the senses’:
First, St. John of the Cross instructs us to “imitate Christ in everything.” Second, we are to “renounce any sensitive pleasure whatsoever that is not purely for the honor and glory of God” and the key here is intention – not that we never enjoy anything, but that we do everything – every little thing – for His glory. Finally, St. John tells us to try to be “inclined, not to what is easiest, but to what is more difficult.” Again – intention. We don’t always have to do what is most difficult, but we have to deny ourselves and cultivate an attitude of detachment and thus be untroubled when the comforts of the world are taken from us.
Fr. Gabriel then treats of meditation. In the Carmelite tradition, this means mental prayer which leads us to loving knowledge and conversation with God. To understand St. John of the Cross in this regard, he says, we have to be familiar with the teaching of St. Teresa of Avila, who said that prayer is “a friendly converse of the soul with God, in which the soul often speaks intimately with Him by whom she knows she is loved.” Fr. Gabriel says that ideally, a time of meditative prayer will end with a simple gaze of love, and give the soul a type of “contemplative waiting,” or necessary disposition for deeper prayer. You can learn more about a meditative approach to prayer through Dan Burke’s book, “Into the Deep – Finding Peace Through Prayer.”
Fr. Gabriel then covers contemplative aridity, an experience in which a soul wholly committed to God “suddenly sees itself introduced with great suffering and temptation to discouragement.” This is really just another, deeper type of detachment. God now steps in to remove “what we ourselves shall not succeed in freeing ourselves from,” namely, even the consolations that come from prayer. If aridity truly comes from God, it is a gift masterfully designed to lead a soul to greater perfection and into contemplation. How can we know if this dryness has a divine origin? St. John of the Cross lays out three ways:
First, a soul in aridity will find no comfort in prayer – but also no comfort in the things of the world. Second, the soul is pained by the thought that it may not be serving God and is anxious to do His will. In other words, a soul in aridity is not indifferent. Finally, such a soul can no longer meditate as it used to, no matter how it tries. Often aridity is accompanied by other severe mercies – temporal trials designed to strip us of our attachments to relationships, health, wealth, and even our reputation.
When all of these signs are present, it indicates that the Lord is preparing the soul for contemplative prayer.
With the passing of aridity, St. John of the Cross now invites the soul into a more intense practice of the theological virtues – faith, hope, and love, which begin to expand the soul in this time of the dawn of contemplative prayer. These, he reveals, are the primary marks of a contemplative soul – not such experiences as rapture or ecstasy. Fr. Gabriel explains that “Every soul that happens to be rewarded by God with contemplation does not…necessarily experience all the forms, nor are all of them necessary to lead the soul to deep union God. In this field, the Lord makes the choice, and the soul should be content with the path that He traces out for it. Whatever be the form of contemplation to which the Lord calls it, high or lowly, vehement or sweet, manifest or hidden, the contemplation always remains and intense exercise of the theological virtues aided by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus – Guide and Spouse
Fr. Gabriel then pauses in this ascent to reveal the true guide in the journey – it is, actually, Jesus who leads the soul, who has always been with the soul, and who will never leave it, even on the darkest part of the journey which is yet to come. Because, for St. John of the Cross, “nothing is done without the love of Jesus,” we must do everything we can to nurture this love of Him: prayer, reading, sacrifice, until our life becomes so one with His that it becomes a mystical prolongation of His own life. The highest forms of this love on earth are spiritual betrothal and spiritual marriage, but they come at a great price.
The Dark Night. We have all heard of this excruciating purification, beautiful but terrible in its intense darkness, in which the last obstacles to perfect union are obliterated. The soul is so plunged in darkness, it fears, in its groping prayer, that it no longer loves God. It is tormented by its own lowliness and wonders if God could possibly love it. The reality is, of course, that the Lord is closer than ever to the soul. And when it has drunk the dregs of the cup of suffering, Jesus can say, in a sense, now that you know what life with me is like, will you freely unite yourself to me forever? The soul enters the first degree of union when it makes a perfect ‘yes’ to God with its will, which it is only capable of after the work of purification is complete. And then finally, on a chosen day – total, transforming union, in which God gives Himself to the soul as “its principal mover, taking over the direction of its life and inspiring all it does…God has become, as it were, the soul of the soul.”
Fr. Gabriel quotes from The Living Flame to describe this experience: “Oh, how happy is this soul that always feels God reposing in its breast! He is there, in the substance of the soul, ordinarily as though asleep in this embrace with its bride, who is well aware of Him and continually experiences Him and enjoys Him.” (IV, 15) The only thin veil left for this happy bride is the connection to the body, and when it is raised to behold the face of God, the soul dies more from love than anything else.
This is a clear and concise book, written by a master on a master – for those of us who are novices, hungry to learn more and to become more of what we were created for – souls continually laying down our lives and wills in prayer and sacrifice for the greatest good of all – God Himself.
In the words of Fr. Gabriel: “St. John presents us with a magnificent ideal, but one that nevertheless has its demands; we mean to say that, for its attainment, he exacts effort on our part. But a beautiful, noble soul does not fear fatigue when it is a matter of reaching so exulted a goal. Shall we be able to be numbered among these souls? May the saint obtain this from God for us with his powerful intercession, and let us docilely enroll ourselves in his school. Let us listen to his instructions and then be on our way to the conquest! It is well worth the effort.”
Saturday, December 12, 2020
People behind COVID scam said to be ‘deeply cruel, evil, and psychotic people’
If you continue to believe the lies being fed by most media, liberal political leaders, and by your governments and health ministries, then we are heading for a never-in-history level of grief, loss of freedoms, and tyranny all over the world that you cannot now even imagine.
September 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – On August 14, I wrote a blog titled “The two most dangerous men in the world?” It was inspired by a video by Dave Cullen, the Irish Internet blogger whom I consider to be one of the more well-informed, brilliant, and bluntly honest research analysts on the Wuhan virus crisis. Today, I must present and comment on yet another of his videos, It’s time to wake up, that was published just today. It is a half-hour blockbuster. You absolutely MUST take the time to watch it.
Cullen astutely takes viewers through a series of charts, text excerpts, and video statements by various notable persons related to the pandemic. In the process, he presents what I consider to be a very solid case for the title of this blog post. My comments won’t do justice to the impact of the video, so please don’t rely on these limited details to understand the full, crucial video presentation.
Folks, if you continue to believe the lies that you are being fed by most of the media, liberal political leaders, and by your governments and health ministries, then we are heading for a never-in-history level of grief, loss of freedoms and tyranny all over the world that you cannot now even imagine.
That’s strong language, but you know, it is now time for strong language. In past times of great turmoil where all seemed lost, leaders arose who spoke forcefully and bluntly and did not spare their hearers that truth so that they would be shaken awake and motivated to do necessary battle.
Winston Churchill was one such leader who had harsh words for Hitler and for Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who foolishly thought he could negotiate with the Devil. St. Joan of Arc is another who firmly believed that France could be saved when all others thought she was insane for thinking that France could defeat the British.
There are many more historic heroes who acted instead of wallowing in fear.
themselves – more deaths than from the virus that we now know could easily be prevented if there were not such cruel restrictions on the use of very inexpensive, totally safe meds.
The evidence is now overwhelming that Hydroxychloroquine, which is safer than Aspirin and Tylenol, could have prevented almost all the virus-related deaths that have occurred so far.
There is also evidence that the death rate from the virus itself is far, far below what we have all been led to believe and which most of the public sadly still believes. Polls have indicated that a majority believe that they will die or become seriously ill if they become infected with the Wuhan virus and their estimation of the actual number of deaths from the virus is from 30 to 50 times greater than the true number.
There is a type of mass, suicidal hysteria going on related to the virus.
Cullen says we are now in a “Casedemic.” Haven’t you noticed that all the news now is about the rise in “cases” in the states, provinces, countries, cities, schools, factories, and so on? Few bother to ask why we are being pummeled with constant stats about this term that we have never used before to such a public extent. What are “cases”?
Why are they using that now instead of hospitalizations and deaths?
It’s quite simple. Hospitalizations and deaths have plummeted. They have lost their fear factor. Something else was needed to keep the fear going so that the public could be convinced to accept increased limits on their freedoms as we have been seeing in Victoria, Australia, in California, in England, and elsewhere. And we need to be kept fearful so we will accept and even welcome the vaccine.
A “case” is just someone who has tested positive for the virus, has symptoms that seem to indicate infection, or were simply and ridiculously found to have been exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus. But now we know that this does not mean much, if anything at all.

These tests are notoriously unreliable. The vast majority who test positive for the Wuhan virus experience either no or slight symptoms. In other words, it is all to keep the fear going.
Most of the public has been falling for this con. More people are wearing masks than ever before. ALL the medical evidence of studies on the effectiveness of the type of masks the public is wearing reveals they are generally useless for preventing virus transmission and infection. And wearing masks for a long period of time every day can make you sick – even dangerously sick in some cases. They can even increase the possibility of viral infection.
Only people who are sick with a communicable disease should be wearing masks, but even then only when they are close to others for perhaps ten or more minutes, rather than briefly walking or bicycling by them.
Thousands upon thousands are still unnecessarily isolating themselves and afraid to go shopping, travel on transit, enter an elevator, go for a walk in the park, enjoy healthy exposure to fresh air and the sun, go to a movie or restaurant or, worst of all, afraid to go to a hospital or their doctor when they are sick.
They are not being told by anyone how to strengthen their immune system with exercise, healthy diet, fresh air, exposure to the sun, and regular consumption of Vitamins C and D and zinc. That alone could prevent a huge number of infections.
Many thousands have tragically died alone, with all not-sick family, even spouses, cruelly and unnecessarily being prohibited from visiting them. Parents and grandparents are not being visited by their children and grandchildren, who are not sick, for months on end with the children and grandchildren thinking the isolation is protecting them from dying from the virus.
They have been told that they could somehow kill mom and dad or their grandparents if they visit them. They have been warned, even though they have no symptoms at all, that they might be asymptomatically infected with the Wuhan virus and could unknowingly infect their vulnerable loved ones. Now we know that has not been correct.

All of a sudden studies are revealing that asymptomatic persons have such a low viral load that it is very unlikely they could infect others. And they don’t need to wear a mask unless they are sick. They have got to stop torturing and even killing their loved ones with isolation and loss of necessary close human contact.
Sure, wash your hands, make sure you are not sick when you visit them, use common sense, but stop hurting them with excessive isolation.
All of this is causing serious emotional distress, mental and other health issues, unbearable loneliness, general social disintegration, and death from lack of normal medical care, a major decline in quality of life, poor diet, no exercise, no exposure to the sun, loss of a sense of purpose, a huge increase in suicides.
It would also be incredibly simple to give the vulnerable a cheap, totally safe, low prophylactic dose of hydroxychloroquine and from then on people can be especially assured that they can visit them. The normally vulnerable can then also feel completely safe to go out to stores and onto transit, visit friends and family and so on. Instead, the very best and safest medicine in the world for COVID is banned from being used in almost all the developed western nations while it is freely available, in most cases over the counter, in all of Africa, in most of South America, and in many other nations.
In all those nations, the death rate from the Wuhan virus is far lower than that of nations where HCQ is prohibited or strictly limited.
Cullen states there is serious talk of another lockdown in Ireland just because of increased “cases” and yet what is going on health-wise is nothing out of the ordinary from previous years.
He and Wuhan virus commenter Jerry Day emphasize, as many others are now concluding, that there are in fact no reliable tests for coronavirus. But to fuel the pandemic narrative, the same scam is being engaged in other countries. “They start testing well people who are likely to have shreds of past coronavirus indicators and declare them a new case of the supposed pandemic,” Cullen states.
Most past colds are coronaviruses and people have residues of them in their system that come up as a supposed Wuhan virus-positive. Millions who were infected by Cov Sars 1 in 2005 will test as positive but have been found to be immune to Cov Sars 2 or, as it is currently called, COVID-19.
There is a video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci strongly emphasizing that “there is no reason for people to be walking around with a mask.” Now he is advocating the exact opposite. “It appears that government health experts are getting their directions from the World Health Organization,” Cullen warns. And there has definitely been growing evidence of this. The WHO, itself a UN entity, is a corrupt organization with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, the IMF, and other untrustworthy groups.
Cullen reveals that financially collapsing airlines are being kept afloat by international financial bodies with grants and loans that have heavy strings attached. That explains why the airlines are putting severe demands on airports and passengers as we have been seeing in recent days where even families with one, two- and three-year-old children are being booted off flights for not having these young children wear masks. Air travel has become an oppressive, frightening experience.
One has to seriously question whether most of these rules and billions spent on new mitigation equipment and billions lost on many seats being blocked off to facilitate “social distancing” on flights are really necessary. Cullen explains the real purpose of these oppressive measures – population control and reducing man-made climate change. They have no intention of ever allowing carbon dioxide-producing air travel to return to previous levels.
That brings us to the shocking climate change connection to the Wuhan virus mitigation policies and that it is really about implementing the extreme Paris Climate Change Accord policies and UN Sustainable Development goals, the “Great Reset,” and world depopulation goals.
“We are experiencing a global coup” with the coronavirus, Cullen says. It is being used to change the entire world – permanently, to the “new norm” of a world controlled by totalitarian global elites who are among the highest CO2 emitters in the world with their private jets, multiple mansions and fleets of very expensive cars and yachts.
Cullen makes a strong case that our politicians are puppets for the IMF, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the UN. Crashing economies is deliberately ongoing to make it easier to control people.
Country after country is seeing high cases and low mortality. Useless testing has to be stopped. It is only facilitating the globalists' agenda.
The direction they are taking us is toward a borderless, cashless society, contact-tracing, mandatory vaccines and “vaccine passports” without which we will be prohibited from buying, selling, getting healthcare, traveling, and pretty well everything else – just as Communist China is now doing – greatly helped by Silicon Valley inventiveness.
Cullen proclaims, with good reason, “You were deceived. You are being played. You have a right to be angry. The people behind the climate change agenda who are accelerating their plans with the COVID scam are deeply cruel, evil, and psychotic people. They are obsessed with conversations like population control in every sense of that term.
It makes one wonder what is in the vaccine. The fight against this scam is a fight for the freedom of humanity.”
We all have to wake up and fight back. It is not an option. Sorry. Either comply and forever lose most of your freedoms, including the freedom to openly worship God, or prepare yourself to do things that you may have never done in the past.
Forget comfort, security, and the daily normal that you have always enjoyed. Everything is at stake. We are already in a war to destroy and replace what is left of Christian civilization, but most of the good have been missing in action.
Stop watching and reading all the mainstream media that are paralyzing you with lies and fear. Find and stick to only the more reliable alternative sources for your information.
What specific actions can you take in response to this disturbing situation? See my response to a reader in the comments related to this article.
See many more Dave Cullen videos here. They are exceptionally informative.
COVID 19 – Scamdemic – Part 1 - Evidence for the virus being used to establish a New World Order - a secular, anti-God, anti-family, anti-population order of totalitarian control by the elite
The deadly truth about lockdowns and masking policies
Pope Francis again uses COVID outbreak to push globalist environmental agenda
Masks don’t work against prolonged exposure to the infected, CDC admits
13 Australian doctors tell govt to end lockdowns: ‘They’re causing unprecedented negative…outcomes’
Ordinary sensible people if properly informed should inevitably conclude that the current government policy is ill focused, heavy-handed, and unjustifiable
The two most dangerous men in the world?
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are two of the leaders co-opting the Wuhan virus–manufactured hysteria to usher in a truly New World Order.
US ‘frontline’ doctors’ website exposes ‘criminal’ campaign by tech giants, govt agencies to block COVID med
Dr. Simone Gold's White Paper reveals the shocking, deep corruption and deception that has resulted in desperately needed, life-saving COVID infection treatments being suppressed since the pandemic began.
New York Times: ‘up to 90 percent’ of positive COVID cases don’t need to isolate
Explosion in mandatory masking isn’t driven by science, but fear
You will be shocked by many of the revelations in this report that your usual information sources are not telling you.
Pandemic Panic Has Magnified The Worst Impulses Of The Power-Hungry Elite
How Forced Isolation Makes Huge Power Grabs Possible
Today’s wannabe social controllers are clearly using the virus as a sort of obedience school where we can be conditioned through isolation to conform to their demands.
How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more
It is remarkable that a large series of events taking place over the past 3 months produced a unified false message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe
We’ve Been Doing It All Wrong? – hugely important story on testing
UCLA, Stanford study finds for average 50-64 year old, chances of dying from COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M
Plurality of Americans Support Shutting Down Economy Again Over CCP Virus: Epoch Times/Big Data Poll
The Big COVID Con Exposed
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Exorcist draws parallels between deep state, media, demons

PINE BLUFF, Wisconsin, December 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent podcast with the U.S. Grace Force, exorcist Father Chad Ripperger provided reflections on how demonic activity has appeared to manifest itself in ongoing election fraud.
He also provided encouragement to Catholics and other Christians on how to fight back.
Podcast co-host Father Richard Heilman introduced the author and speaker as “an exorcist … (who) does a lot of counseling for other exorcists,” and asked him where he believes the devil is impacting the current crisis.
“I think (the devil) is using people quite a bit,” Ripperger replied. “I think that’s the principal difficulty that we have — people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that they’re basically in league with him. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals.”
The founder of the Doloran Fathers mentioned a 50-part series he previously released that demonstrates how “communism and … its psychology is identical to diabolical psychology.”
“I think what we’re seeing now is that there’s some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and in what I’ve seen (from demons) in (exorcism) session(s),” he said.
Providing hope for a positive resolution, Ripperger continued, “For example, right now things are kind of leading up to a crescendo, and that’s what you tend to see right before the person is liberated. So, there is this buildup of diabolic manifestation which becomes much more drastic, much more open, much more out there. Sometimes even more preternatural right towards the end, and then the person is actually liberated.”
In providing a clear allusion to the establishment media prematurely calling the election for Joe Biden, Ripperger said, “Another thing which is very common (for demons) is claiming that they are victorious or that they’ve already won when they haven’t yet. It hasn’t been proven to be the case … So, it is very similar to a lot of the things that we are actually seeing.”
Nor will the devil relent when he perceives he is in control, the exorcist stated. “The other thing you are seeing is that once Satan thinks he has the upper hand he presses it all the more … (O)nce he thinks he has control over a situation, he’s going to drive it until he gets ultimately what he wants.”
“They also do the typical thing … once their sin is revealed and people see it then … they try to create a distraction in something else … it’s to distract everyone to the outside when they are losing the battle on the inside.”
“That’s the phase in movies where things are going around and around and around inside the room, although it’s very rare, it actually does do that,” Ripperger said.
The goal of demons is to demoralize
For those “who actually want what’s best for this country” and are “on the side of the angels,” Ripperger acknowledged there is “a feeling of vulnerability right now.” With the breaking down of our “checks and balances system,” as is evident by witnessing even mayors around the nation “setting aside constitutional rights of the citizens” with COVID-19 restrictions, the fraudulent presidential election exasperates this sentiment.
“But I think that that demoralization is precisely what you see when demons are attacking people,” he said. “One of the things that we have to do with people who are possessed is to constantly get their focus back on God. Don’t let the demons drag your focus into … the stuff that you are suffering and the things that you are dealing with. Keep your focus, because that’s when things start going downhill … The shift in the focus is always what the demons are trying to get us to do, and to be demoralized.”
“Often, they try to set you up like you’re going to win, and that this is the day in which the liberation is going to occur, the day comes and goes and it doesn’t happen. And so, the person gets demoralized,” the exorcist said.
Since demons are liars, you can never believe them, Ripperger said. And whether that liberation occurs or doesn’t, “(our) job is to just keep grinding it out” with prayer and fasting.
“My concern is (with) people on our side,” he said. The demons are “using people who are not leading morally good lives … to attack us and to make us feel demoralized like they won when ultimately on the side of the demons I think it’s all about distracting us from our focus. I think ultimately that’s what it boils down to.”
Podcasts co-host Doug Barry asked Ripperger for advice on what men should be doing, particularly the fathers of families, during this crisis.
Ripperger emphasized the importance of consistent prayer.
Prayer for crushing diabolical influence
“In addition to (praying) the rosary, and getting to Mass and getting to confession regularly, offering these things up for an honest, fair, and just election,” Ripperger recommended a prayer he called “the most efficacious in crushing diabolical influence in an area of oppression.”
He stated that since those involved with, and benefiting from, this election fraud, “have hijacked the political situation, and … taken (the) reins in relationship to political power,” the “haranguing” of the “news media … abusing Trump and his family,” along with the rest of his supporters, “is a form of oppression. It’s a diabolical attack. And he (the devil) uses (these) other people … it’s a diabolical attack from the outside.”
Ripperger offered a story, based on his experience as an exorcist, affirming that so long as human beings retain their rights over their possessions, demonic forces will always have a certain amount of access to them. But if they and all of their possessions are consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and given entirely over to her, and she accepts them, demons are not permitted any access to them whatsoever.
He then provided the first prayer below, which is a slightly modified version of the central devotional prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort’s famous Total Consecration to Mary. Pope St. John Paul II called his own reading of this book to be “a decisive turning-point” in his life, while other popes of the past have given it strong recommendations as well.
Of course, he says, those who practice this devotion can still use their external goods for noble purposes, but those goods are then under the protection of Mary, the Mother of God.
“So, I’m basically telling everyone, consecrate the election, consecrate Trump and our country to Our Lady, and ask her to basically take it. So, you can use that prayer as one form,” he said.
Second prayer: Send occultist curses back whence they came
Ripperger continued, “We have to ask Our Lord for two things. One is to block the demons’ involvement in the election, and in the process … and (secondly) in the relationship to the attacks against Trump and things of that sort.”
Therefore, Ripperger explained, “We need to ask Christ and Our Lady that if it is their Holy Will, that any curses being sent by these occultist activities be sent back whence they came.”
“This is one of the things we need to do is ask Christ and Our Lady that those people who are doing things on the side of the evil to advance what is happening right now,” that their curses “be sent back whence they came.”
“If people do this there is a certain level of protection,” he said.
Spiritual peace a result of engaging the battle
“We’re not going to have spiritual peace if we are not willing to engage the battle,” Ripperger said.
“Communists are like demons. You can’t just wave them off. They’re not going to tolerate that. And you cannot soft-glove them. The only thing you can really do with demons is you have to crush them underfoot. Which is what Our Lady does, of course. But you have to do that, and that is what they understand.”
“On a spiritual level, we have to crush the demons. We have to go on the offensive … man-up, don’t lose heart. Now is the time when we should be buckling down.”
“Ironically, Trump is in the hour of his greatest need … this is the time in which we should be buckling down and fighting, not just capitulating,” he said.
First daily prayer recommended by Fr. Ripperger:
I; (Name), a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before. In the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose thee, O Mary, this day for my Mother and Mistress. Knowing that I have received rights over all my exterior goods by the promulgation of the Natural Law by the Divine Author, I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, all of my exterior goods, past, present and future; I relinquish into thy hands, my Heavenly Mother, all rights over my exterior goods, including our President, the fairness, honesty and accuracy of the outcome of the election, and our country and I retain for myself no right of disposing the goods that come to me but leave to thee the entire and full right of disposing of all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God in time and in eternity. As I now interiorly relinquish what belongs to me exteriorly into thy hands, I entrust to thee the protection of those exterior goods against the evil one, so that, knowing that they now belong to thee, he cannot touch them. Receive, O good and pious Virgin, this little offering of what little is, in honor of, and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to Thy maternity; in homage to the power which both of You have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored thee. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and thy maternal care, I have full confidence that thou wilst take care of me as to the necessities of this life and will not leave me forsaken. God the Father, increase my trust in Thy Son’s Mother; Our Lady of Fair Love, give me perfect confidence in the providence of Thy Son. Amen.
Second daily prayer recommended by Fr. Ripperger:
Jesus and Mary, I ask that if it be Your Holy Will, that any curses or evil sent against the President or the election process be sent back from whence they came.