Thursday, June 30, 2016

St. Pio Novena Day 7

Day 7
Intention [please include your own also.}
We pray that in all situations we will have the faith to persevere. Never, NEVER, give up.

Padré Pio of Pietrelcina, holy father, you fulfilled the salvation plan of God and offered yourself as a victim to free all people from their bondage to satan. Pray for us to God. Intercede for all those people who have no Faith, that they cooperate with God's gifts and grow in a strong and sincere Faith, and thus be converted to the Lord, through a sincere and heartfelt repentance of their sins. May those whose Faith is weak grow strong in their Christian life, and may the faithful children of God continue with greater commitment on the road to salvation.
Padré Pio: "If the world could see the beauty of a soul without sin, all sinners, all non-believers would instantly convert (their lives)."

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