Friday, July 1, 2016

St. Pio Novena Day 8

Day 8
Intention [please include your own also.]
We pray that as Mary and Elizabeth were brought together by God to support and share their story, we too would come together, with and for, other women to encourage and inform by the truth of our own lives.

Padré Pio of Pietrelcina, pure father, you loved your spiritual children very much. How many of your children were acquired at the price of your blood! Pray that we, who have not known you personally, may also be numbered among your spiritual children. Through your fatherly protection, saintly guidance and spiritual strength you gain for us from God, at the moment of our death may we encounter you waiting for us at the Gates of Paradise.
Padré Pio: "If it were possible, I would like one favor from the Lord: I would want, if He said to me 'God to heaven', I would like to have this grace: Lord, do not allow me to enter heaven until the last of my children, the last of those persons entrusted to my priestly care, have entered before me ... I have made and agreement with the Lord that when my soul is purified by the flames of purgatory an dis worthy to enter heaven, I will stand at the gates of paradise and will not enter until I have seen the last of my sons and daughters enter."

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