Thursday, December 28, 2017

Feast of the Holy Innocents

This Feast day calls to mind the frustration of knowing the simple truths we are currently closing our eyes to and unfortunately have always been blinded to. To a huge  degree the pure innocent children and adults have always been victim to those thinking themselves more intelligent and prepared to improve life on our planet.
Power, money, material possessions and sexual pleasure have taken presidence over the simple law of love. 

I have been praying the simple prayer, "Open the eyes of the blind." Including mine. So many atrocities have been exposed over the past few years yet in reality very little improvement for the meek of the world.  So my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will make it inescapable for the marganilized in our society to be overlooked.

This song and the life of this young man cover several important issues.

May God bless us with gentle unescapable truth.

Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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