Sunday, December 17, 2017

Gaudete Sunday

To all of us who read and pray and HOPE for better times, I thought it would be nice to take a grateful path towards the Birth of Jesus, the greatest Gift ever given to mankind.  I see almost every day now some very gifted singers on youtube. Gifted with a powerful message of Gods love for us.   Posts on Facebook or emails from friends of songs for the Christmas season, songs by very young artist or seasoned artist who have a heart for God. People who seem to know the real reason for the season. I am going to take a break from all the negative fearful messages that are part of our culture we have thrown at us and send out pictures and music that will bring Peace, Hope and love as God intended for us during this season of Joyful expectation of the coming of our Savior.

Let us go from penance to grateful expectation and joy. Have you seen the sign that Lowes is selling?
It is a massive word: "JOY". This is my first Christmas in North Carolina, so maybe they do this every year, but I doubt it.
There is a need to rise above the darkness of sin and live in the Light of the Son of God.

God Bless us one and all, Merry Christmas!!!
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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