Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Sisterhood of Women

Very early one morning 7 or 8 years ago I was awakened by the Holy Mother of God.  She asked me to go to a particular side of my house and take a picture. It was barely light but I took the shot anyway.  I went back to the guest room on that side of the house and as I got into bed she said, "Abortion has destroyed the sisterhood of women."

Abortion and birth control  changed everything for women as it relates to the exclusive and sacred right of women to give birth. Previous to this the womb was sacred. Conception was the beginning of an eternal journey for a woman and her child. The bond of love was considered natural.  It went without saying that the child and mother would need some tender loving care from more experienced members of the family and close friends.  Even in the worst of circumstances child bearing brought with it a sense of joy for the Mother but also a rejoicing in her community.  Not so after Roe V Wade. Suddenly and over night it became the last an least important roll of a woman. Yes we have continued to give birth and love our children. Unfortunately the idea of helping each other was greatly diminished as we were now able to choose life or death for our own child. If a woman had a miscarriage or lost a child you are supposed to be able to deal with it, after all there are more important things in life to value and enjoy. 

This will never be true, the umbilical cord is eternal.  Mother and child share an unbreakable bond of love forever. So how do we care for each other when the life of a child is returned to Jesus before the Mother returns to him? It is not the same way Grandma and her sisters took care of each other. If you allow your self to think back on stories of past generations you should be able to understand the meaning and importance of  "The Sisterhood of Women." 

The picture I took that morning is the background for this blog. When you love Jesus with a pure heart He brings you back to the true meaning of life. The best and most beautiful way to spend your time on earth preparing for the eternal wedding feast. 

The following is another message to Emily from Jesus.  It is about the subject of motherhood.  It was given this past Sunday November 15, 2015 just after Holy Mass.  
You must know that dying is a gift, a merciful gift intended as a passage into the kingdom of heaven. So many blame Me or blame themselves for the passing of their loved ones, but what they do not realize is that each life begins and ends when I Will it. There are some who are taken differently than the life that I had planned for them, but that doesn't mean that I abandon them. When it comes to children who die during the first moments of life inside of their mother, I am in control. You must know that if I take a child too soon for your standards, it is in fact a gift. The suffering that a parent might feel to lose a child is far less than the suffering that the child will face in the future. The bigger picture drives My Will. A parents biggest goal in life is to lead their children to Me, to heaven. Know that if I take a child, you have done your job. Your pain is only temporary, and the reunion in heaven will be the most beautiful thing you have ever witnessed. Just as I will reunite with my child in great joy, you will reunite with your child with great joy. I have not abandoned you, and I never will. I have My Hands on all of my children and will always take care of them.
Thank you Jesus for loving us so much!

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