~Matthew 17:5
January 5, 2017
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I awoke this morning pondering why it is that truth is so difficult for man to understand and implement. Before I put my feet on the floor the above scripture came to mind. Yes!!! that is it, we try so hard to fit our very tiny lives and thoughts into the mind of God. "Nothing is new under the sun." Or, "I am the Alpha and Omega." God said to Moses, "I am who am." God is absolutely sure of himself, for us God is a mystery. We must pay close attention to the way he works in the world and in our lives in order to know the truth.
Humanity continually goes astray from the word of God but our going astray does not change God or his words given to us by the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Every century, every decade and every minute of the day we try to change it up in order to justify our infidelity to Jesus but God never changes. Right now we are at war with ourselves. For money, power, sexual pleasure. We are killing each other off in the name of who???
January 8, 2017 "The Baptism if Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I did not post this on the 5th of January, I just wasn't ready. I am a contemplative, for many years I have been asking questions of God and for many years I have been answered. I believe that God initiates both the questions and the answers. All my questions are not answered just the ones God is ready to answer. Sometimes he simply states facts that I am not expecting.
One of the issues has to do with abortion, I was at Mass and the priest was preaching on abortion, this was told to me, "Tell the priest that as long as Planned Parenthood and the federal government are teaching sex education in the schools the abortion problem will not change." Makes perfect sense, we have been marching and praying and advising against abortion for over forty years, we have put out film after film about the way a child is treated in the womb of its mother. Horrifying to the eye and ear of the congress and the world yet the USA isn't getting anywhere with this very serious problem. We continue to herd our children into the slaughter house that is perverted sex education.
Another issue is adoption, many times Jesus has spoken to me about the harm caused to both Mother and child. He says it is cruelty to all involved. We define orphan as, " one who has been left due to the death of both parents," yet we have found it to be a dirty bandage solution for unwanted pregnancy.
The most recent conversation I have had with Jesus as I ask him often about adoption is, " We are all adopted sons and daughters of God," "We are called to love one and other as he loved us, and adoption as we see it in today's world is nothing but paperwork and money for other people."
Another very serious situation is the legalization of Marijuana. Out of no were one evening Jesus came to me in a furry and said, "They are legalizing the death of my children." Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people know this is true yet we can't seem to stop the train. There was an article on the news this morning called, "Pot is dangerous not funny." Had I not picked up my husband's phone and red it I would not be able to read it. The article will not open on my phone or my tablet and I put it on Facebook and can't find it. Is big brother watching me?? Probably. It is the same old facts from a doctor who says the same thing the doctors all over the country are saying. Not good!! Maybe I can get it on the blog.
Why does God bring us back to the simple answers found in his word, the bible?? Because society comes up with new and different ways of annihilating themselves and God has to stop the engines and turn us around. He doesn't need a new book, he doesn't need new answers but he does need to purify the human race or we will put our own lights out.
Women and Motherhood are the key to keeping the world connected to God. Women used to pray and beg for the lives of their children but we have been taught differently in this century. The pendulum is swinging back a little but only when millions of Mothers and Fathers get on their knees and beg God to open the eyes of those who still are buying the lies of this general society will our children be safe.
Please Jesus, open the eyes of our minds, our hearts and our souls to the sacredness of our bodies and the truth you have so clearly taught us for thousands of years. Amen
Most sincerely,
Margaret of Souls for Jesus
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