Friday, February 2, 2018

Feb. 2nd 2018, Feast of the Presentation

World Youth Day 2016, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and life in the present day.

I attended W Y D 2016 with my youngest son. There was so much to take in and so much to keep up with as a 65 year old mother trying to keep sight of the youth. It is embarrassing to admit that the importance of this young man, Blessed Pier Giorgio kind of escaped me. I knew who he was and went to Mass in the Cathedral were his banner was flying but I did not venerate his incorrupt body. As I read about him now I believe he was there in person so to speak. W Y D had a major effect on myself and my son, to this day things happen that put me in awe of the opportunity we had and how it unfolds in our lives, even as time goes on.

Last week I found a number of prayer cards with the picture and the story of the priest from France who was beheaded when we were in Poland. Rev. Jacques Hamel. The Pilgrims were not told about the murder but I looked up that morning as over a million of us were heading into the Museum of Pope John Paul II. There were military helicopters circling us. As a parent, I knew something wasn't right so I called my husband knowing it was 4 am in New Hampshire. I thought maybe I would never hear his voice again. I can still hear the gentle tone of his voice. These prayer cards are another of the wonderful surprises I have found in our new church home of the Sacred Heart of Jesus South Port, North Carolina.

Another very beautiful surprise happened yesterday while talking to a parishioner about
the Secular Carmelites.  She pulls out a prayer card for Blessed Giorgio and asked me to pray to him for her son Blaze who has cancer. He has a miracle of healing a young man named Kevin of a head injury that was to claim his life but didn't. Of course I said yes and took a few cards. I thought about my son Justin who is living in North Carolina with us now. He just came a few days ago. He is a bit lost as to were to begin his life again and like most 23 year old doesn't want to be listening to Ma!!!! I showed him the picture of Giorgio and he remembered him. He said he didn't want to talk about a guy who died so young. Strange comment but there is that, "generation gap." I prayed the prayer and kept the card with me. In short order I found that my sons attitude made a 180 change. He was nice and normal as he should be, rather than dismal and angry. I layed the card on my night stand and began to pray my way to sleep when I felt and heard the name Pier Giorgio. It was sweet, soft and beautiful. So I share this with anyone who is looking to sweeten the soul of a young man or in fact as we are really trying to do, save the lives of our youth and bring them into the will of God.

It is so amazing to me the impact these young Saints have on our world, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Therese and now young Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. I will pray for miracles for our youth and look forward to the Beautification of this young man, I hope you will join me.

Most Sincerely,
Margaret of Souls for Jesus

His mother was born on my birthday, so perhaps she will help us as well.
For more info: WIKI

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