Saturday, March 21, 2020

Protect us from Evil!

Fear has gripped the world.  Pandemic and a sharp economic decline are makeing whatever earthly security we may have (thought we) had seem week and fleeting.  We all know circumstances can change in a flash, but never before has the entire world faced the same uncertainty and threat simultaneoulsy.   Global travel and interconnected economies are making this perhaps the first simultaneous and worldwide challnge to our well being. Only the two world wars could come close.

However, it is our reaction to these events that will foretell how we will fare as individuals, families, nations and world.  

Prudence is certainly necessary to slow and prevent the spread.  But what about hope, faith and trust in Divine Providence?  

From the messages of Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem.  Here Sr. Ephrem gives here summary:
But the youth must be prepared, and this must be done by instilling into them, not only the knowledge of the Divine Indwelling, but a serious study of It, living It in such a way that the Divine Presence becomes, as it were, an intimate and necessary part of their life and daily living. From this will flow a great love, a conflagration that will envelop the world in the flames of Divine Charity. This is what Our Lady is working for, because this is the great desire of her Divine Son, and it is to the youth of America that she is holding out this challenge. A medal which Our Lady asked to be made is to be their shield against evil, the picture or statue of Our Lady, the protection of the home, the statue at the Shrine in Washington, D.C., a special safeguard for our country. America, the United States in particular, is being given the tremendous, yet privileged, opportunity to lead all nations in a spiritual renewal never before so necessary, so important, so vital.

Our Lady of America has great hope for the youth!  And this present, far reaching and virtually universal experience may be part of their formation.  She calls our youth to focus on the Divine Indwelling as an intimate and necessary part of life and daily living.   Necessary!

Furthermore, she goes on to identify the three levels of protection that are available through this devotion: The first being personal protection available through the prayers and the wearing of the medal;  The second is family protection available through the prayers and the image of Our Lady of America in the home; and The third being the protection of our Nation and the world through the solemn procession of Our Lady of America into the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception by the Bishops.

The first two promises of protection are available now. The medal was struck by Archbishop Leibold in the early 1960's and is available.  Her image to be placed in the home is available for free download.

And the bishops are working on the fulfillment of her third request, to be processed by them into the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

So, is Covid-19 evil?  I can’t judge that.  Anything that keeps us from Mass and participation in the Sacraments certainly has an evil effect.  But, God is so powerful that he can confound the devil, taking evil and producing good from it.

Take advantage of what Our Lady of America has already given us - the prayers, image and medal.  Pray for the bishops to fulfill her request of the solemn procession.

These are the steps she outlines to protect us from evil.   Let us have faith and hope in her intercession before Our Lord and Savior.  And let's pray with greatest hope that we will be back in our Churches for Easter!

P.S.Please offer a special prayer for the safety and health of our priests.  They are on the front line as they courageously provide the Sacraments to the dying


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