Thursday, September 1, 2016

Jesus, Pope Francis and Divine Mercy

 "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:26

On the morning of August 31, I was deep in prayer when suddenly a flood of understanding came to me about the depth of God's Mercy.

Several months ago Jesus showed me Himself as an eagle soaring over the earth healing and saving His people.  He told me that legalism and fundamentalism were the greatest deterrents to His work of saving the world.  He showed me a spire spinning swiftly but softly. This is how He heals, by making us well rounded as we are meant to be. He looks at each individual person and graciously pours out to them all that they need as Joseph did while feeding the people of Egypt and ultimately his brothers who once tried to kill him.

I believe that I was under the impression as most of us are, that we have to do something to deserve this healing love and restoration.  This is not true.  Why? ... because God knows his creation much differently than we know ourselves. God knows that if you remove the 10 commandments and replace them with lies we will believe and respond to the lies. We have done exactly this.  Our children have been lied to by their parents,  their piers, their teachers, the church and the government. Some have risen above the lies after much pain, sin and suffering.  This is not how God intended us to learn and live.  He wants all healed and saved.

I was born in 1951, taught properly by parents, teachers, government and the church. Before I graduated high school everything began to change.  The point is my generation was taught properly as a result we recognize truth much more easily than our children.

When we see Pope Francis asking forgiveness from prostitutes for not making a world where they would not have to be treated as objects rather than persons  who are loved and cherished we begin to understand the meaning of Mercy.

There is  more to this lesson on Mercy,  "judge not lest you be judged," "forgive and you will be forgiven."

Our generation has work to do, both on our knees in prayer and thanksgiving to a God Who will forgive and heal those harmed deeply by our sins and faults.

Only God can unravel this mess, He fully intends to.  Be grateful,  humble and get out of the way.

Most sincerely and with love,
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus

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