Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross Sept. 14, 2016

How do we stand for truth in a culture steeped in lies?? Because i lived in a time when we prayed in school and respected the flag and the Ten Commandments I know the change and it was not for the betterment of our culture. We now have the freedom to kill off the children of God in so many ways. Perhaps as lethal as abortion and birth control pills is the awakening of the legal use of mind controlling drugs.

When in Poland for World Youth Day our Pope Francis began two of his talks by telling the youth that the merchant of smoke was stealing there dreams and ultimately there lives. One of my five children's life is still very much at stake due to the legalization of Marijuana, the gate way drug. Four
out of my five sons believe that if the federal government says it is ok and no more dangerous than alcohol than it must be ok.

Planned Parenthood took over the teaching of perverse sexual behavior on my watch about 25 years ago. I have fought there presence in the schools from the beginning but to no avail as most people think it is not only harmless but beneficial. Now as a senior citizen who like so many will never be able to retire because my income is being taxed to pay for all the diseases and unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. The child care in the high school and on and on and on. Our children are taught not to hold back on there hormonal drive but explore the possibilities.

Planned Parenthood is insuring there future by not only encouraging, but actually teaching our children and promoting sexual exploration and what to do when you do not like the outcome. You can have and abortion and donate the body parts. We know this is the truth. Unless you have had a bag over your head for the past few years you know our babies are being chopped up for use in the laboratories. Nothing has been done to stop this. Who is in charge of this God forsaken country.

I begin to say, "how in good conscience can we let this happen but who in our world is, "in good conscience?"  The conscience is so blackened with lies and half truths we will only respond to a tragic happening in our own lives and many times not then. The human brain can not be taught right and wrong at the same time. The mind of a young person will traverse to were ever there peers are going and were ever they feel accepted.

Our country is the example to the world, we have fooled most of the world into thinking we are doing great, taking care or the poor by giving them health care and food stamps as well as cell phones and tattoos.

Change can begin when each of us looks deep into the heart for truth, recognizing that we will have to make an account when we close our eyes one final time and they are opened by the most beautiful and loving eyes of Jesus. If you don't believe in Jesus it doesn't matter because He exist for you, for me, for all of us.  I don't want to meet Him and feel that I did not do everything I could possibly do to save His children. The truth saves, lies kill. It is as simple as that.

I have no idea how crooked our election process is but please do the right thing and vote. Vote for Truth and Life. Everything about the United States of America needs changing. It is going to take time. If I were raising my children now they would be home schooled and encouraged to only the holiest of colleges.

"Take up your cross and follow me, says the Lord." My cross is the loss of my children to the culture of death. Jesus and I want them back. To this end I will suffer and pray and speak truth in season and out of season.

God give use courage, God give us strength, God give us understanding.
~Margaret of souls for Jesus

1 comment:

Mary said...

Nicely said Margaret! You're right ... they've been targeting kids for a long time and getting ready to pull in the net. Actually saying the parents have SECONDARY position to bring up kids and that the STATE has FIRST??? The family is the nucleus of the world. It ripples like a pebble tossed into a still pond. Family, neighborhood, community, town, county, state, etc., etc.! The ole boy began in the 60 with the "if it feels good, DO IT" generation ... our generation. We were the last of the better catechised and the first of the downfall. We all must do whatever we can to save the children and ourselves ... all souls ... Prayer, fasting, the Sacraments, Reparation .. all so very important today. The time is coming and is almost here when our love will be measured .... "Whatsoever you do for the least of your brethren, that you do unto Me."