Lady Poverty
About a year ago I was being nudged and finally shoved into stopping my frivolous 30 year habit of getting my nails and toes done on a very regular basis. At first I thought it was so I could give the nails a brake but I began to realize the Mother of God was teaching me something.
When I first wrote the Morning Prayer for Women Espousing Purity for Christ I left out the virtue of poverty because it seemed that lay women couldn't really practice poverty. I thought we needed to live according to our means as provided by God. I was wrong.
I do not want to know how much frivolous money I had invested in my decorated nails. As time has gone on ( 1 year) I will say that I am still having a very difficult time not having my nails well groomed and colorful. Only the knowledge that I can use the money for much more important help for the poor and the church have I been able to keep myself out of the Nail Salon.
I relate this to mortification and poverty because it is a huge sacrifice for me and doesn't get easier as time goes on. Poverty because i can relate better to the needs of others.
We all have things in our life we can let go of for the sake of others. I hope this helps readers understand that, "nothing has changed under the sun." If we want Purity and to serve to the highest and best of our potential we can always do more and sacrifice more.
~Margaret of Souls for Jesus
Of the "many writings" 1 left by St. Francis to the Poor Ladies at St. Damian's, only two fragments are known to exist, and these have been preserved to us through St. Clare herself, in so far as she incorporated them in the sixth chapter of her Rule. We have it on the authority of Pope Gregory IX that St. Francis wrote for St. Clare and her first companions a formula vitae, or "little rule," at the beginning of their religious life. 2 But it was this same Pope Gregory IX, then known as Cardinal Ugolino, who about 1219 composed a Rule for the Poor Ladies, which was accepted by St. Francis and confirmed by Honorius III. 3 This Rule, as the Pontiff himself declares, was solemnly professed by Clare and her Sisters and observed by them for many years in a praiseworthy manner. 4 Pope Innocent IV bears witness to the same effect. Writing to Blessed Agnes, Princess of Bohemia (who had founded a house of the Second Order at Prague), of this Rule, written by CardinalUgolino, he says: The Sisters of the Monastery of St. Damian and all others of your Order have laudably observed it from the time of its profession until now." 1 These words were written on November 13, 1243. In view of such testimony it is obviously a mistake to assert, as Wadding and some other writers do, that St. Clare abandoned this Rule in 1224, and professed another one written by St. Francis. It is also erroneous to suppose that St. Francis ever wrote a Rule for the Poor Ladies. 2 The one written about 1219, by Cardinal Ugolino, was recast by St. Clare herself toward the close of her life, and made to conform as far as possible to the Second Rule written by St. Francis for the Friars Minor. The Rule of the Poor Ladies, thus recast by St. Clare in a new form, was confirmed by Innocent IV, August 9, 1253, just two days before the death of the holy abbess. 3
In the sixth chapter of this Rule, St. Clare describes the circumstances under which the two fragments of St. Francis’ writings here given were composed. "After the Most High Heavenly Father deigned by His grace to enlighten my heart," St. Clare tells us, "to do penance after the example and teaching of our most blessed father, St. Francis, a little while after his own conversion, I, together with my sisters, voluntarily promised him obedience. But, seeing that we feared no poverty, toil, sorrow, abasement and contempt of the world, nay rather that we held them in great delight, the blessed father, moved by compassion, wrote us a rule of life 1 in this form . . . ." Then follows the first of the two fragments given below. Further on in the same chapter of her Rule, the holy abbess adds: "To the end that we and also those who might come after us should never fall away from the most holy poverty which we had undertaken, he again wrote to us shortly before his death 2 his last wish, saying . . . ." 3 Then follows the second of the two fragments here given.
Both these pieces, which Wadding took for letters 4 addressed to St. Clare, are here translated according to the text of the Rule contained in the original bull of Innocent IV. 5 They are as follows:
Since, by divine inspiration, you have made yourselves daughters and handmaids of the MostHigh Sovereign King, the Heavenly Father, and have espoused yourselves to the Holy Ghost, choosing to live according to the perfection of the holy Gospel, I will, and I promise to have always, by myself and my brothers, a diligent care and special solicitude for you, as for them. 1
I, little brother Francis, wish to follow the life and poverty of Jesus Christ our Most High Lord and of His Most Holy Mother and to persevere therein until the end. And I beseech you all, my ladies, and counsel you, to live always in this most holy life and poverty. And watch yourselves well that you in no wise depart from it through the teaching or advice of any one.
3.2. Clare was born in 1193-94, in a noble family, whose house overlooked the cathedral square of Assisi. Her father was Favarone di Offreduccio di Bernardino, and her mother's name was Ortolana. This pious woman was convinced that her daughter would be "enlightened" by God, and hence called her Clare, after being assured of a safe delivery in a vision (Process of Canonization of St. Clare = Proc III,28; Legend of St. Clare = LegCl 2). Clare's childhood years were marred by some sad events, notably the ransacking of the Rocca Maggiore by the Assisi citizens in 1198 and the war between Assisi and Perugia. During these years, when Clare was still a child, the nobility had to flee from Assisi and her family had taken refuge in Perugia. On the other hand, Clare was growing up as an educated young lady, as befitted her noble status. From her mother Ortolana she learned to become a woman of prayer, with a gentle heart, generous towards the poor. These qualities were later to become the salient points of her spirituality.
St. Francis welcomes Clare on palm Sunday at the Porziuncola |
3.4. During the night of Palm Sunday (28 March 1211 or 18 March 1212, according to different chronological tables which we shall not discuss here), Clare escaped from her family's home in Assisi and hurried down to the Porziuncola, where Francis gave her the habit of penance at the feet of the altar of the Virgin Mary of the Angels. That same night Clare was escorted to the Benedictine monastery of San Paolo in Bastia Umbra, where she was protected by papal interdict against possible intrusion by her family to take her back home by force . After some weeks Francis transferred Clare to another monastery at the foot of Mount Subasio, Sant'Angelo di Panzo. There Clare was joined by her sister Caterina (Sister Agnese). All attempts by the paternal uncle Monaldo to take back the two girls by force proved futile. Francis then sent Clare and Agnese to the small church of San Damiano and gave them a Form of Life, which is the basis of the Rule of St. Clare. San Damiano was to be the place where Clare lived a cloistered contemplative life, but with great apostolic horizons, until the day of her death in 1253. The first sisters to join her would be called the Poor Ladies of San Damiano. Although compelled to accept the title of Abbess in 1215, a year later Clare asked Pope Innocent III to approve the Privilege of Poverty, by which the Poor Ladies were bound to live without property like the Friars Minor. This Privilege was confirmed by Gregory IX in 1228.
The countryside around Assisi |
3.6. "I found one consolation in those parts: many men and women, rich and worldly, after renouncing everything for Christ, fled the world. They are called Lesser Brothers and Lesser Sisters ("Fratres et Sorores Minores"). They are held in great esteem by the Lord Pope and the cardinals. They do not occupy themselves with temporal affairs, but work each day with great desire and enthusiastic zeal ... They live according to the form of the primitive Church ... They go into the cities and villages during the day, so that they convert others, giving themselves to active work; but they return to their hermitages or solitary places at night, employing themselves in contemplation. The women live near the cities in various hospices. They accept nothing, but live from the work of their hands" (Clare of Assisi. Early Documents. Edited and Translated by Regis J. Armstrong OFMCap, Paulist Press, New York, 1988, pp. 245-246).
Chapel of San Damiano (interior) |
3.8. The reason for this insistence upon voluntary radical poverty lay in the fact that the Church was continually insisting that Clare and the Sisters accept a more stable way of life according to the canons of monastic Orders. This would have included property in common. Clare resolutely refused this condition, even when she had to accept a Rule given by Cardinal Hugolino in 1218-19, which was modeled on the Rule of St. Benedict. Again, in 1247, Innocent IV made her accept another Rule, even though it placed the Poor Ladies under the jurisdiction of the Friars Minor. Clare continued to insist, and went even as far as taking the initiative of writing a Rule modeled upon the Later Rule of the Friars Minor. This Rule was finally approved by the Cardinal Protector Rainaldus on 16 September 1252, and finally by Pope Innocent IV himself on 9 August 1253, just two days before Clare died.
The choir used by Clare and the Poor Clares at San Damiano |
3.10. Clare was frail in physical health. Since 1224 she was always ill at San Damiano. Nevertheless her strong character and youthful spirit never left her. She welcomed Francis, who was blind, at San Damiano in the spring of 1225. There he wrote the Canticle of Creatures. To her and the Sisters Francis directed his Last Will before dying, and his funeral cortege stopped at San Damiano for a last farewell by Clare and the Poor Ladies on Sunday 4 October 1226.
3.11. Twice Clare saved San Damiano and her Sisters from plundering hordes of Saracen mercenaries, especially in September 1240, through the miracle of the Eucharist which Clare held while praying for her Sisters and the city of Assisi, and again from the troops of Vitalis d'Aversa in June 1241 (Proc III,18-19). The first event was to leave an indelible mark on later iconographical representations of Clare, even though the small ivory ciborium she held on that occasion has often been represented as a post-Tridentine Council monstrance.
3.12. As the day of her death approached, Clare twice received the visit of Pope Innocent IV himself and begged him to approve her Rule. This he did on 9 August 1253. Two days later, on 11 August, Clare died at San Damiano. Her last words are recorded by Sister Filippa, the third witness in the Process of Canonization: "Go calmly in peace, for you will have a good escort, because He who created you has sent you the Holy Spirit and has always guarded you as a mother does her child who loves her. O Lord, may You Who have created me, be blessed" (Proc III,20).
3.13. Just two months later, on 18 October 1253, Pope Innocent IV nominated bishop Bartolomeo of Spoleto to conduct the process of canonization, which was held in Assisi between 24-29 November. On 15 August 1255, the successor of Innocent IV, Pope Alexander IV, who had been Cardinal Protector of the Poor Ladies, solemnly canonized Clare in the cathedral of Anagni, and promulgated the Bull of canonization "Clara claris praeclara".
3.14. In 1260 the Poor Ladies moved to their new monastery in Assisi, where the church of San Giorgio once stood. They took with them the crucifix of San Damiano and the mortal remains of Clare. After her death her Sisters became known as the Order of St. Clare (OSC).
The refectory of San Damiano (encircled a bouquet of flowers at the place where Clare used to sit) |
3.13. Just two months later, on 18 October 1253, Pope Innocent IV nominated bishop Bartolomeo of Spoleto to conduct the process of canonization, which was held in Assisi between 24-29 November. On 15 August 1255, the successor of Innocent IV, Pope Alexander IV, who had been Cardinal Protector of the Poor Ladies, solemnly canonized Clare in the cathedral of Anagni, and promulgated the Bull of canonization "Clara claris praeclara".
3.14. In 1260 the Poor Ladies moved to their new monastery in Assisi, where the church of San Giorgio once stood. They took with them the crucifix of San Damiano and the mortal remains of Clare. After her death her Sisters became known as the Order of St. Clare (OSC).
The urn containing the body of St. Clare |
3.15. The tomb of St. Clare was found on 30 August 1850, and on 23 September her relics were exhumed. In 1872 they were placed in an urn in the cript of the basilica, for the veneration of pilgrims. The original Rule of St. Clare with the bull of approval "Solet annuere" was found in 1893.
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